Example sentences of "[pron] remembered be " in BNC.

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1 All I remembered is , they got , it 's chocolate and it 's got brandy in it , cos she was gon na put , I think it says three teaspoons
2 I remembered being in the weight-training room with two club-mates , Trevor Wade and Clifford Mamba , a few weeks earlier and we had been discussing sprinting .
3 She remembered being told that Nahum was dead .
4 Suddenly she remembered being told that he had lost an only daughter , killed by a hit-and-run driver , and she wished the words unsaid .
5 The last thing she remembered was the sun perched on the shed window ledge like a big golden ball , and Edward telling her it was bedtime .
6 ‘ She was smashed out of her brains , Fergus , and about the only thing she remembered was that she wanted to get your trousers off .
7 What she remembered was a sense of expectancy , of confident expectancy .
8 The last thing she remembered was … .
9 The thought made her frown , especially as she admitted that the feeling when she remembered was jealousy .
10 The next thing she remembered was being woken up and told the house was on fire .
11 The one remembered was the time when we had a display comparing ‘ steers ’ against ‘ bulls ’ and their relevant daily liveweight gains .
12 His spirits sank , but after trying another non-German ship without success , he remembered being briefed that Rostock was worth trying .
13 He remembered being sick when he was on leave on Knossos .
14 Iain 's father , Fireman John Allan , 36 , said he remembered being told ‘ years ago ’ that there was a quarry in the area .
15 All he remembered was being strapped to a couch , the sudden fear , the cold touch of electrodes to Lis head , and the convulsive shock before the blackout .
16 The last thing he remembered was reading at his counter .
17 All he remembered was that they had flown on an invisible road in the sky called Red One from Moscow to St Petersburg at 33,000 feet .
18 All he remembered was his feet .
19 And the next thing he remembered was the minibus stopping and the monks helping him into it .
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