Example sentences of "[pron] fingers on " in BNC.

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1 I try wiping my fingers on my coat , but it do n't help much — I still feel all sticky .
2 He spread out my fingers on his knee .
3 I tap my fingers on the table and look at McDunn 's cigarette packet , hoping he 'll get the hint .
4 With my fingers on the handle I looked through the glass at the new world beneath me .
5 I drummed my fingers on the desktop .
6 I paused with my fingers on the plunger .
7 I stand facing him , one foot away , my fingers on his larynx .
8 My fingers on my calculator are not as nimble as they should be .
9 Not the splashers on of paint and not the witty designers of operatic sets , not those who claim to have their fingers on the pulse of things and not those who shut themselves up and ignore the world .
10 The resulting squawk — actually a recording of Sam and five friends rubbing their fingers on a damp window pane — will soon be played to a dauntingly expert audience through 30 loudspeakers in Huddersfield town hall .
11 Opposition burn their fingers on microwave Sketch .
12 But a mere ‘ gut feeling ’ on the part of your superiors that you fall short of what is expected , when they can not put their fingers on what is wrong , is not really good enough .
13 The participants place their fingers on the top of an upturned glass or pointer on castors .
14 Since burning their fingers on 100% lending that flared into bad debt , lenders have been insisting that customers borrowing more than 70% to 75% of property value make them a present of an insurance policy against default .
15 Spreadsheet vendors ca n't be accused of not having their fingers on the pulse of their market .
16 Punters who burned their fingers on Picton at Romford should give the unlucky Kim Marlow runner another chance .
17 Just at that moment when everyone was crossing their fingers on her behalf , so she looked up and told Jim that she felt she would do better to play out at an angle .
18 Children have their fingers on the record button and watch what they like .
19 I think even Control Room where at one stage it was a , a male domain , it is not so now there 's , there 's , I would think now there 's a predominance of women there , erm purely I think again that Control Room work suits them better , they , they , they concentrate better , I think , they , they lend themselves better to that type of work and they 're more dextrous with their fingers on , on these buttons and , and typewriters and , and other things
20 Well during this programme I 'll be talking with a number of people who are involved in the industry who have their fingers on the pulse of what is commonly known as the tourist industry .
21 It is attempting to find out what is causing the mix , indicating it does not have its fingers on the distribution pulse because of its two-tiered channel .
22 And with that she took two of Granny 's pennies from her pocket , put her fingers on Granny 's eyes to push her eyelids down and placed a penny over each eye .
23 She drummed her fingers on the Canadian maple table instead .
24 Tabitha sighed in annoyance and drummed her fingers on the desktop .
25 She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring .
26 Jane reached out and rested her fingers on the back of his hand .
27 ‘ Parceline , parceline … ’ she breathed , tapping her fingers on the thick steering wheel .
28 Then he remembered her sweet voice , and the touch of her fingers on his face , and her warm breath on his lips .
29 Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool , she tore a large plaster from its paper envelope and pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump .
30 She drums her fingers on the banister as I edge back to the lounge .
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