Example sentences of "[pron] horses to " in BNC.

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1 He sounded almost like the gentlemen who brought their horses to be shod at Samson 's smithy , except for a slight foreign way of leaning on the wrong part of the words .
2 While the three of them stood by the pump in the stableyard , waiting for their horses to be brought out , George nodded his head towards Gareth Davis , who was across the other side of the yard , well out of earshot .
3 After a little more conversation , mainly expressing amazement at the splendour of Tamar 's circumstances , they urged their horses to a brisk pace and had no further chance to speak .
4 Racing 's big spenders from the Middle East are threatening to pull the plug — and take their horses to France in search of bigger prize money .
5 In Spain the French had whipped and ridden their horses to destruction , but these troops were freshly mounted on strong and healthy animals .
6 As they dismounted and tethered their horses to a clump of stunted trees , Timothy said tentatively :
7 After a short while he found that the gypsies were taking their horses to him to be shod ; and he had quite a busy time shoeing gypsy horses .
8 Many Suffolk horsemen , when occasionally they took their horses to Ipswich market , rose very early in the morning — three o'clock , or even earlier — to put the finishing touches to harness they had perhaps oiled the night before , and to paint the horses ' hoofs with harness oil to make them look smart .
9 At the first steep slope of Great Ararat they tethered their horses to a thorn tree and hobbled them .
10 Cranston had already ordered their horses to be brought out into Cheapside .
11 The fourth man had abandoned their horses to his wounded companion and was launching himself into the fray .
12 Addressing the conference , Clinton acknowledged that government policy on the issue had been confused : " Different federal agencies hitched their horses to different sides of the cart and then wondered why the cart would n't move forward . "
13 She shares the heartache felt by many owners who lose their horses to thieves , often never to see them again .
14 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
15 ‘ He 's just moved all his horses to Bill Templeman , has n't he ?
16 ‘ He has now moved his horses to a small yard in Newmarket run by Bill Templeman .
17 After the race , Ibn Fayoud moves all his horses to Bill and suddenly he 's big buddies with Butler .
18 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
19 ‘ Hector , stop ! ’ he called out , bringing his horses to a plunging standstill .
20 But eh , we use to , he use to at weekends , he use to take his horses to the hunts you see .
21 We like our horses to be friendly , and usually they are born friendly , but whether they are to remain friendly is determined very much by our handling of them .
22 We tied our horses to a small rail and knocked on the priest 's house door .
23 A burly captain of the guard arranged for our horses to be stabled and immediately took us upstairs into what Agrippa called the Lion Chamber , a long , wooden-panelled room with black and white floor tiles which shimmered in the torch light .
24 Maybe we should n't have had them , and left our horses to five .
25 ‘ He is waiting for our horses to shit ! ’ he exclaimed .
26 It makes you think but at the end of the day you 've trained your horses to be here and do it well .
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