Example sentences of "[pron] believe [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That may seem perverse , given what we have just said about the current scene , especially since we do not ourselves believe that states are the only important actors in international relations .
2 Perhaps my problem is the way I perceived the first news of the crumbling of the old Europe ; sitting in hospital and festooned in drip feeds and stoned out of my mind on pethidine as I came round from an anaesthetic , I muzzily watched the news on the TV in the corner of my room and truly believed I was hallucinating as I saw kitchen choppers taking down the Berlin Wall ; after such a beginning to the thaw , how can I believe that as well as East Germany 's arrival in the West , Czechoslovakia is almost herself again .
3 Neither do I believe that a painter could have painted it — had he seen what I saw .
4 Nor do I believe that the conclusion to be drawn from all this is that life is a miserable business .
5 I do not think either that we can make sense of the Devil in the language of contemporary philosophy or science ; on the other hand neither do I believe that we should try and invent a modern mythology that makes the Devil more credible and accessible .
6 Little for that matter did I believe that this experience was to be the start of a whole new direction in my life , the lessons of which I have attempted to set out in this book .
7 Nor do I believe that it can be said that in no way can we disentangle ourselves from the religious myth which we have inherited .
8 That is to say neither do I believe , in the terms of classical Christology , that Jesus of Nazareth could have had , as well as his human nature , a divine nature ; nor do I believe that he could have been raised from the dead , so acquiring uniqueness through God 's act of raising him .
9 Nor do I believe that private sector training is the answer .
10 Nor do I believe that anything is to be gained by analysing the reported cases in what is presently a contentious area of the law .
11 Nor could I believe that it was the intention to bring in at a single stroke a charge to tax that would be calculated to interrupt the education and expectations of so many parents and children , for it is surely common knowledge that the provision of free or subsidised education for the children of those teaching in independent schools was part of their usual terms of employment and that the salaries paid would be wholly insufficient to meet a charge to tax based on the full fees of the school .
12 She had n't been prepared for the way poetry came into this fitting together of parts , Shall I believe that unsubstantial Death is amorous , and that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour , she recited in her head , as O'Hara climbed on top and humped her beneath the rude unshaded bulb .
13 Nor do I believe that to be a good Christian you have to attend chapel or church every week , or even three times a year .
14 Then , almost angrily , she asked him , ‘ Why should I believe that you were afraid for me ?
15 Nor do I believe that the zeal of discovery is a cause for shame .
16 I receive no complaints of substance about the excellent health service in north Devon ; nor do I believe that it has exceeded its authority in any way .
17 Brian Meek , for the Conservatives , said : ‘ I do n't know exactly that this organisation has any right to speak for democracy in Scotland , nor do I believe that it 's an all-party organisation …
18 It was all a smokescreen to make them believe that the Clarion Call had been lost at sea .
19 He was not only able to make most of his subjects feel proud of being Italians but also succeeded to a great extent in making them believe that his great dream of giving Italy an important place in the world , as important as that of Britain and France , could become a reality .
20 And first for the Combers , we will bring them down From eight groats a score unto half a crown , If at all they murmur , and say t is too small , We bid them choose whether they will work at all ; We 'll make them believe that trading is bad ; We care not a pin , though they are ne'er so sad .
21 The reference to ‘ the application in the prescribed manner ’ makes me believe that it was contemplated that some form of summary process would be prescribed in order to enable speedy relief to be given in clear cases .
22 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
23 Well if I could refer you , ma'am , to my paragraph three point seven of my supplementary statement , erm I do indicate there erm that the factors which make me believe that a location in this sector or these three sectors erm is a better one in far , as far as employment is concerned .
24 ‘ It makes me believe that the NFU leadership is unwilling to do anything to really fight for the interests of farmers if it embarrasses the Tory Government .
25 Harry had told her very little about his discussion with Sir Gregory : all she knew was that Tristram had been caught trespassing and that Jennifer had been caught going to meet him ; but although each had sworn that nothing untoward had happened , and their reserve and good behaviour seemed to confirm their innocence , Ann could not forget the scandal they had caused ten years before , nor could she believe that Tristram would have scaled the Roscarrock wall simply to sit with his cousin and talk .
26 Does she believe that it should be left in that country ?
27 I wanted to join the army would you believe but I thought
28 Even a basic antibiotic may cause feelings of depression and this in turn makes you believe that you remember less — although , If tested , you will probably perform as well as usual .
29 Do you believe that this could possibly happen in your marriage ?
30 If you want a nuclear-free world , do you believe that the world 's political leaders are crazy warmongers , or that humanity is out to destroy itself , or that the world is a dangerous and evil place ?
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