Example sentences of "[pron] feel [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sue 's skin , thought Marion , Sue 's skin , so why do I feel as if I 'm the one , as if it all happened in my room , as if it had all happened to me ?
2 So , what do I feel about separatism now , ten years on , and the mother of sons ?
3 Why do n't I feel like that ?
4 Nor do I feel like setting myself up as an Aunt Sally just waiting for all those girls to throw themselves at me in the attempt to knock me off my perch ! ’
5 I was not quite sure I heard the question right — how did I feel like taking Jane Asher to a Marine Nature Reserve for a day ?
6 ‘ How would I feel in these circumstances ? ’ is not a bad beginning , although it can not be an ending .
7 Not even when Pam Wright went 4-up on me after four holes in the final of the Scottish at Troon did I feel in any danger . "
8 Tourists too can expect a right Royal welcome , for the traditional friendliness of the islanders makes everyone feel at home .
9 ( Or were some people very quiet ? ) 4 Did people listen to what other people were saying ? 5 Did everyone understand clearly what they had to do ? 6 How did the group agree on its answer ? 7 How did everyone feel about the answer that was agreed ? 8 Was it an equal group , or did someone act as a boss ?
10 The return of Latin would make them feel as if they were experiencing something mysterious and exalted , something greater than themselves .
11 Before residents arrive and on arrival , it 's important that a care assistant , who may be their key worker , is on hand to help them feel at home .
12 You know all the guests and something about them ; you can greet , welcome , introduce and generally make them feel at home .
13 Many of the children had never been away from home before and there were inevitable bouts of homesickness but the Dreamflight team worked hard to make them feel at ease .
14 ‘ Sales companies in America and Ireland go out of their way to make them feel at home .
15 Finally they told me where they had been and how they had been ushered into a sort of waiting room by the proprietress , who had endeavoured to make them feel at ease by offering them marrons glacés .
16 Now do welcome them , do make them feel at home , especially those of you who are new to the place you will know and remember what it 's like when you first come into a strange building that feels like home .
17 ‘ All of them are given a warm Irish welcome to make them feel at home . ’
18 ‘ We want to intimidate the audience but also make them feel with us .
19 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations .
20 But the tenants do n't want to leave Mrs Birt-Smith , who they say makes them feel like family .
21 They made me feel of some value again and the warmth was flooding through me long before the kettle had boiled on the iron stove in the corner .
22 They think my Yorkshire accent is amusing , and Nicola , my boss , tells friends that I 'm ‘ from the country ’ , which makes me feel as if I 'm from another planet .
23 It stops me concentrating on breathing properly and makes me feel as if I 've lost control of the situation .
24 The skills of the midwives were everything I could have wished for and the NCT made me feel as if I was a useful part of the whole process .
25 He made me feel as if he had rescued me from some intellectual gutter , some abyss of boredom .
26 Let me be mysen , and let me feel as if tha' wor littler than me ! dunna ma'e me feel sma' , an' down ! — else I canna stop wi' thee .
27 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
28 ‘ You make me feel as if I 'd died . ’
29 ‘ It made me feel as if everything was all right with the world .
30 The big boys tried to make me feel at home by taking me to the greasy spoon for a pie but what did I care for food as the table rang with drug quips and acerbic one-liners about Danielle Dax from Gavin Martin , James Brown and Danny Kelly .
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