Example sentences of "[pron] to look down " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Even scum have to have someone to look down on . ’
2 But once we do so , once we see that by calling God ‘ transcendent ’ we are not banishing Him to some distant celestial isle from which to look down on us , then it becomes easier and not harder to understand His presence .
3 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
4 Of course somebody , Who Shall Be Nameless , would bring up the subject of Burns-And-You-Know-What , and how many of his children were born on The Wrong Side Of The Blanket , What Right Had We to look down on Brown Owl for her shotgun wedding when we were all supposed to look up to Rabbie Burns as Our Big Hero ?
5 He raised himself up from her to look down on her face , to witness the sweet pleasure that parted her lips sensuously and filmed moisture to her brow .
6 She slipped a strap from her shoulder to enable him to look down her blouse into the deep valley between her magnificent white boobs .
7 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
8 ‘ Maybe you do n't know as much about me as you think , ’ Niall said huskily , a wealth of controlled feeling in the way he held her from him to look down at her .
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