Example sentences of "[pron] saw you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ye think ye 're a big man , ’ Phillis said , with a rare spite , ‘ but I saw ye greeting .
2 And he stopped me and said : ‘ Son , I saw ye practising , and I 've always found with a player of your capabilities it is best to tell them to hit it straight at the pin ! ’
3 Before I saw you , and the world 's large tongue
4 Shall I say I saw you ? he asked .
5 I saw you both at the Castle , then I lost you . ’
6 As soon as I saw you go down I gave the order to fire , ’ Moran said .
7 Yes , you said that when I saw you at the station , ha ! ha ! ’
8 Here , in sequence , are quotations from Helen 's letters to Janet Aldis : Do you remember Janet ? , when I saw you last I told you of a plan I had made , regarding the boy who father is taking up , and who writes Nature sketches .
9 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
10 That weekend is also memorable for something Dana said to me in the train on the way back to Salamanca : ‘ I knew you were gay as soon as I saw you that morning in the galleria . ’
11 Dana 's words struck at my heart , as he had done , quite deliberately , when he had told me : ‘ The very first time I saw you , I knew you were gay . ’
12 I saw you once — from the top of a bus … . ’
13 ‘ It 's a good job I saw you first , then ! ’
14 I thought I saw you !
15 I saw you lasht night an' … ’ he began to sing a romantic song from our courting days , but was cut off in mid warble as he tripped over my hiking boots and crashed into the wardrobe head first .
16 The last time I saw you , you 'd decided never to let anyone work with you here again .
17 For one instant I saw you , erect on tiptoe , ruling your orchestra and transfigured by the expression of a conqueror .
18 I saw you earlier with Mr Fairley and thought you were terrific . ’
19 I saw you looking over the fillies , ’ he said with a braying laugh .
20 ‘ That 's where I saw you ! ’ he exclaimed , sitting up in his chair , and pointing a finger at her like a gun .
21 Like that time when I saw you in Kent , you seemed to be all right together . ’
22 He was moved to ask , ‘ Marcus , that little brown cap I saw you wearing once , what is it ? ’
23 I saw you had put your things in the writing-room .
24 I saw you at the counter . ’
25 I saw you in the High Street the other day , ’ he would say , in a tone that suggested that it was quite impossible for Henry to have seen him .
26 I saw you once again in your warmth and fragrance , full of leaves and flowers .
27 I said to her : ‘ I saw you talking to that fellow , and I 'd warned you . ’
28 ‘ Linford , ’ he said , in his fine , lilting Welsh accent , ‘ I saw you on television running in that jazzy white number in Spain .
29 I saw you the other evening , ’ he said .
30 I saw you from the top of the tower .
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