Example sentences of "[pron] looked in " in BNC.

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1 Dutifully , I looked in my bag .
2 I looked in the bag , it was full of fish .
3 Walking across the Bonaparte Bridge , I looked in vain for what was marked by a giant cross on the tourist map .
4 When I looked in your bedroom she had him in there with her and he 'd left his camera downstairs .
5 I looked in the direction he was pointing — Roman villa , vestal virgins ' tent , WI stalls with Aunt Bedelia and Mrs Cartwright frantically buttering and jamming home-made scones , street theatre , Punch and Judy , and there 's old Jeremiah just passing the jazz band with his fingers in his ears .
6 Then I looked in my driving mirror and saw a girl I decided must be you .
7 I looked in books for some recognition but , strange to say , I found none .
8 But when I looked in the ZZAP !
9 Although I was still ‘ tiny ’ ( a word used by one of them at the time ) by any normal standards , when I looked in the mirror , I saw someone who appeared to me to be ‘ gross ’ — a favourite word with anorexics , as Minuchin shows .
10 I have described how I looked in the mirror and , seeing myself ‘ in the flesh ’ did not recognise myself .
11 When I looked in the mirror and told myself , first , ‘ that ca n't be me ’ , and later , ‘ that wo n't be me ’ , what I was seeing was a woman .
12 I looked in a table of isotopes and found that the concentration of deuterium is 1.5 parts of 10 000 ( parts of ordinary water ) .
13 I looked in the same direction and saw a group of men standing and staring at us .
14 I looked in the mirror and pulled my mouth into strange shapes , aping bewilderment , comic dismay , tragic dignity .
15 I did not dawdle , but as I had to pass our post pigeonholes , from force of habit I looked in mine in case the second post had been sorted early .
16 Every time I looked in the mirror — and I can be a very careful driver if I want to be — I saw the languid bride with shuttered eyes and hair adrift .
17 " I looked in earlier but you were asleep . "
18 I looked in disbelief .
19 I looked in the likely places ; he could be anywhere . ’
20 I looked in horror at Mr Wemmick .
21 under her shawl , but I looked in vain from
22 When I looked in a mirror , I could n't believe it .
23 I looked in the mirror today and I could see it in my eyes .
24 I looked in the folder again to see if I 'd missed anything .
25 And the rubbish bin in the kitchen was empty when I looked in it as we left . ’
26 I looked in the editor 's office but no one was there . ’
27 If only that was what I felt when I looked in the mirror , instead of anxiety over these little springs of steel .
28 Then , one day , when I was dressing it , I looked in the mirror and could see a small protrusion out of the lump .
29 I looked in the mirror and could see a small protrusion out of the lump .
30 I looked in the kitchen to find shelled coconut pieces to cut into small cubes for the fowls " morning feed .
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