Example sentences of "[pron] want it " in BNC.

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1 I myself am guilty , he wrote , in that I want the glass to be seen , I want it placed in a morgue and I want people to come in and see it , pay money and come in and see it , if needs be .
2 Time will only enter where I want it , wrote Harsnet .
3 Tried projecting negative of Bride from holograph enlarger , he wrote , but image thin and weak where I want it strong ( though indeterminate ) .
4 Will really yield what I want it to .
5 I want it to be as though I had never been .
6 I want it to be as though I had never taken that turning .
7 I want it out of the house , he wrote .
8 I want it to .
9 ‘ I hear a song and I tell my musical director what tempo I want it in , and how it 's going to end .
10 I want it for her own good .
11 I want it all , ’ she says .
12 Again I thought , well , the world 's there whenever I want it and I had been presented with an incredible opportunity . ’
13 For me , as a lover , as a person , as a man , it 's not enough for me only to give — I want it back as well .
14 I want it to be like it was before . ’
15 Nothing goes as fast as I want it ’ ) , there were problems with design .
16 Yet the horse , never having discovered food in such a place before , will stop short in its tracks and say , quite clearly , ‘ I want it ! ’
17 I eat what I fancy , when I want it .
18 ‘ And if I live in a factory town , I must speak factory language when I want it .
19 Nothing I say ever comes out like I want it to .
20 I 'm going to see to it that my sending-off is as I want it .
21 Of television we say : I want it as I have never had it .
22 ‘ I can 'ave that job if I want it , ’ said Nelly .
23 ‘ What does it matter what I want it for ?
24 The negative aspects are those portrayed by a demanding or greedy child — ‘ I want it ; I want it now ’ .
25 The negative aspects are those portrayed by a demanding or greedy child — ‘ I want it ; I want it now ’ .
26 Even if I cast through this gap accurately , the speed of the cast must be faultless too , for the gap between the branches and the roots is a mere two feet : too far and I am in the roots , too near and my bait will not be lying where I want it .
27 This time my cast lands exactly where I want it , just short of the overhanging branches .
28 I want it now ! ’
29 I want it .
30 I want it over as quickly as possible . ’
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