Example sentences of "[pron] let it " in BNC.

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1 I let it get up to seventy , and then broke the chain in my panic .
2 For four weeks I let it lie on my desk , unwilling to take the final step .
3 On some days when it looks good and I let it dry naturally it goes curly .
4 Neil shook his head and made some gesture which I could not interpret , but as it was obvious that he , too , had seen Stormy Petrel and knew what he was about , I let it be .
5 I let it be .
6 Not a very lady-like expression if you ask me , but I let it pass .
7 I let it hang in the air , like a question .
8 Unless — ’ I let it hang there .
9 I let it be known that I was n't dead ; that I was safe . ’
10 I used to have my hair shaved , now I let it grow — people react to me in very different ways when I have hair and when I do n't ’ .
11 I let it be known I was n't really interested in going out again , and hoped they 'd get the message — that I was finished with it . ’
12 ‘ The thought of him touching you first , holding you in his arms — yes , if I let it , it would drive me insane . ’
13 I did n't want the long journey in to work each day so I let it to Professor Wendell .
14 I say twelve , and I let it for less because I 'm soft-hearted .
15 I did n't , but I let it — and her — go .
16 I suspect Bunny probably meant that he once knew a Swedish waitress , but I let it pass .
17 If I let it run away with me , it might , you know
18 I knew that if I let it go it would collapse on to a teapot and mugs still waiting to be cleared from the sideboard , which would confuse the situation still further .
19 I let it go cheap .
20 oh my god I let it slipped today
21 Then I let it all grow out .
22 There are things which let it down .
23 These above-average profits depended to some extent on the Company 's political influence in England ; in India it was not powerful enough to control the market , but its charter gave it a monopoly in England which let it push prices up further than would have been practicable if non-members of the Company ( denounced as ‘ interlopers ’ ) had been able to import cotton goods into England freely .
24 If you have a cat and you let it walk around the countryside rather than confine it in your house ; what is the consequence ?
25 Quintin Hogg was highly critical of the failure to prepare party opinion : ‘ You must always let people see the cat before you let it out of the bag . ’
26 The fear of death can stunt your life — but only if you let it .
27 The film may lack subtlety and political correctness , but it can be thrilling if you let it .
28 And that feeling has gone the second you let it out .
29 You saw the shadow of the mountain and you let it into the cave and the fire has gone out .
30 ‘ Clean your shoes , one shoe in the bedroom means ten years in the penitentiary , our Gladys was the maddest it can happen if you let it , clean your shoes , your shoes , mud sticks , six and tuppence , please , oh no you 're not getting away with that you 're not getting away with that , it can happen .
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