Example sentences of "[pron] friends [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My friends swear by them .
2 I suppose you think I mean I want to walk down the aisle in white with my friends watching , but that 's not it , that 's not what this feeling is to do with .
3 At Christmas most of my friends received either Amigas or a console ( mainly Mega Drives ) .
4 My friends ask questions .
5 One of my friends said he was a romantic boy who thought he bore a charmed life , but I argued that this was a superficial judgment .
6 All my friends said , ‘ Oh , my God ! ’
7 My friends said I could n't get it done from a wax impression .
8 My friends said she 's trouble and the last thing I should have done was let her move in and I was a bloody fool not to believe them .
9 ‘ I 'm afraid that if I go grey , ’ one of my friends said , ‘ men wo n't try to chat me up on planes . ’
10 It 's magnificent , one of my friends said , after the revolution we 'll turn it into a sports centre .
11 All my friends had been transformed , their faces shone , they could n't move , while I just rolled my tie up and down and counted the bars on the radiator .
12 I would never try on something revealing like a swimming costume in a communal changing room , because when I was bigger I 'd be thinking everyone would be looking at the bulgy bits thinking how fat I was ( well , this is what I thought after I found out what my friends had been saying ) , and now I would feel too self-conscious because other girls would be thinking how skinny I look .
13 After my friends had left quietly , some two hours later , I undressed and tumbled into bed .
14 My friends had to have their first sit-down in sight of the car .
15 Then I told him that my friends had gone off in the wrong direction and that I was willing to pay the owner of the moped for taking a message to them .
16 ‘ Do n't let anybody beat you , do n't come back without the gold , ’ my friends had said to me , and I was determined not to let them down .
17 The only thing that stopped them cutting us to ribbons was that one of my friends had the gift of the gab and gradually defused the situation by talking good sense in a calm reasonable way ; finally he pointed out that we would all end up in the local police cells if anything happened anyway .
18 Come the following Sunday , therefore , I returned to the site alone and noticed that my friends had indeed given the field a careful search , for much of the soil was flattened by footprints .
19 Now I began to wonder if my friends had not been right when they said I would never see him again .
20 Me and all my friends had been having this really great scuttle .
21 Last summer one of my friends lent me a C.B. and an old aerial as he had bought a new set and some more of my friends had C.B.s .
22 I thought about the possibility but when my friends kept saying that I would be chosen I said that I thought the selectors would go for more experience .
23 I enjoyed the function and my friends kept me in good cheer as I was obviously anxious about my husband being in the Gulf and did have a few too many drinks .
24 I can understand how my friends got mixed up in all that .
25 ‘ A name my friends use , too . ’
26 During the Spanish Civil War ( 1936–38 ) many of my friends left Glasgow to join the British battalion of the International Brigade .
27 I had told Elizabeth that when my friends left Greece I always felt that they had gone into an underworld ; I wanted them back , but had no wish to go with them .
28 My friends wait for me now but never mind . ’
29 My friends loaned them to me , my friend Tom erm I 've got
30 Many of my friends followed me to Paris or they disappeared or they died .
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