Example sentences of "[pron] else [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Copyright protects your work from being copied or commercially exploited by someone else without your consent .
2 They 've got to boot someone else off their list !
3 You would n't like me to adopt someone else as my protege , would you , Malcolm ? ’
4 ‘ A person who receives goods on sale or return and at once passes them on to someone else under a like contract is entitled to demand them from that third person just as soon as the original owner of the goods has the right to demand them from him , but I am clear that , if he allows a period to elapse before he hands them on to a third person on sale or return , he has done an act which limits and impedes his power of returning the goods .
5 ‘ The only time you do n't take a shooting chance is if you are certain you can play someone else into a better scoring chance , ’ he said last night .
6 A similar problem may arise when the tenant allows someone else into occupation of part of the demised property , either as a subtenant or by way of licence or franchise agreement .
7 Then even the moth will not know where it is going : and the most effective means of confusing someone else about where you are going is not to know yourself . )
8 If you remember , Hawick said — and he 's not silly — that there was someone else on the scene when he first asked her out .
9 Just as missiles can be guided from aircraft that did not launch them , so jamming can be done by someone else on the bomber 's behalf ; division of labour pays off in battles , too .
10 My husband feels he ought to have someone else on the side .
11 It is so much easier to conform to arbitrary rules imposed by someone else on the basis of age .
12 ‘ The businessman does n't want to go to different people to talk about things on the marketing front and someone else on the financial front . ’
13 You have someone else on your home team .
14 You have someone else on your home team .
15 How might the book have been different if Liebow had met someone else on that day at the ‘ carry-out ’ ?
16 No amount of reallocation makes the total reduce and yet the first reaction to bad numbers is almost always a rush to blame someone else on one 's own side !
17 Almost all of the higher earners and men with 10 or more partners have had oral sex with a woman , and it 's the men with a regular relationship and someone else on the side who are most likely to have done it in the past year .
18 Rain asked when he discovered there was someone else on board .
19 Mrs Langley rose from a chair by the fire and Alexandra was aware of her daughters and someone else on a sofa in the great square bay window ; and even as Mrs Langley was greeting her she could hear Rose say clearly , ‘ Well , whatever else she has n't got , she certainly has elegant clothes , ’ and Alexandra , stung out of all terror quite suddenly , said crisply , ‘ I will tell my aunt how much you admire her taste .
20 A common problem is a clash between two people modifying modules ; that is , one person is unable to activate a DC because it refers to a module which is also part of a DC activated by someone else on another package .
21 Also Parker is a better defender than Jones , if England do have someone else on the right hand side to get forward .
22 If you think I 'm letting go this prize gem I 've worked towards for all of my career , so that someone else on Verity magazine can put their name to it , you 've another — ’
23 ‘ It is especially useful for them to have someone else at the surgery , not only for reassurance but to add to the discussion , ’ he explains .
24 It can , none the less , cut out many of the worst frustrations : material that takes hours to trace , is never found , or is unavailable at the right time ; teacher-made material that takes too long , is botched in process or inexpertly designed ; equipment that does n't work , or works badly , or is preempted by someone else at the crucial moment ; timetables that do n't , when it comes to the point , allow sufficient flexibility ; help that one feels ought to be available but somehow never is .
25 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
26 And then someone else at Ladymont once said that it takes two men to rape you .
27 ‘ Drop in when you 're passing ’ , they say , but nothing but humiliation faces those who do , and see someone else at the desk that was once their 's and find everyone too busy to chat .
28 You do n't want to be thinking about someone else at a time like this .
29 yeah and erm she was snogging someone else at the time I think
30 The best results come from working with someone else with whom you can sail and discuss the findings .
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