Example sentences of "[pron] felt for " in BNC.

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1 Obviously I felt for him , I would n't have been too delighted if our positions had been reversed ; and they could so easily have been .
2 I wanted so much to put into words , in a novel or a play , all that you and I felt for one another , not just to love love but to inscribe it as George Eliot and Willa Cather had done .
3 I felt for his pulse , but could feel none .
4 At least , this is how Mary , Freda and I felt for the first few weeks .
5 Was it what I felt for Malc ?
6 I watched her go with sadness in my heart because I felt for some inexplicable reason that I would never see Granny again .
7 How sorry I felt for them as I stood with my images of a future of crackling kindling and bringing the pine logs hither and other rustic carry-ons .
8 I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
9 I felt for the matches .
10 And I felt for them , poor dead butterflies , my fellow-victims .
11 Frances told me about their life in Cornwall and I felt for the first time in my life that I was among people of an older generation that I understood , real people .
12 Thank you for your letter also ; I was so terribly sorry to hear about Marbles ' demise — such a characterful friend — and I felt for you so much .
13 ‘ The truth is that I fought what I felt for you for as long as I could , and even after we made love I told myself that I wanted you , desperately , but that you meant nothing more to me than an object of desire . ’
14 It killed whatever I felt for you stone dead ! ’
15 If she had felt as deeply for me as I felt for her there would n't be a need for all that .
16 ‘ It never did , Fernando ; not for one second did I have any doubts of how deeply I felt for you , only doubts of how deeply you had felt for me .
17 I felt for a pulse but I could n't find one . ’
18 He adds : ‘ I also felt that I wanted to give the love that I felt for her in the way she needs love to be given . ’
19 He had had a good deal of experience of the deliberate malice of political adversaries , who felt for him a genuine fear that was replaced by contempt only for his lesser colleagues .
20 ‘ You made it pretty clear that any attraction you felt for me was unwilling .
21 Jay lay on her bed , sipping coffee and touching her own face with the tenderness she felt for Lucy , closed her eyes with the dizzy perfection of that moment in the conservatory when they had touched , when she had touched Lucy , and Lucy had walked beside her , seen what she saw ; when her eyes had met Jay 's , dancing with the glory of it all .
22 She felt sorry for him once more ; she felt for him the compassion of an older sister , and at that point she did something quite unpremeditated : as she kept on walking , she turned her head back towards him , smiled and lifted her right arm out in the air , easily , flowingly , as if she were tossing a brightly coloured ball .
23 When she got home , she felt for the first time in months the need to write a letter , to commit her thoughts and feelings to paper and communicate through the medium of paper and pen with someone .
24 She felt for it , and brought it out .
25 Her left elbow was tingling too and as she felt for it with her right hand she found that the sleeve of her blouse had been torn .
26 That might in itself imply that she felt for some reason that she would be suspected , or perhaps she knew who the killer was and preferred to keep quiet .
27 As an adult she was able to see how wrong it was and she knew that they were indulging in something they should not have been doing — although in her childish innocence she had not been aware that it was anything more than an extension of the love and affection she felt for other members of her family .
28 She simply did not know , although deep in her heart she feared that what she felt for Nicky Scott Wilson was not true love .
29 She had known that she was playing with fire , her own emotions had been awakened and she no longer trusted herself to be level-headed where Craig was concerned and yet was n't that half-fearful desire a challenge , a part of the fascination she felt for Craig Grenfell ?
30 She looked at Peter , gravely answering the teasing of one of the lovers , and wondered if what she felt for him was the same quality of feeling that her parents had known and relied upon .
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