Example sentences of "[pron] impossible for " in BNC.

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1 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
2 In retrospect , the greatest disservice Charles Howard ever did me was the way he had somehow made it impossible for me to trust this man .
3 ONCE again baseless charges of lewdness and indecency in this column make it impossible for me to report the following headline in the newsletter of Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries : ‘ What 's Five Inches Long — and Worth £200 ? ’
4 The record company prepared her an exhaustive schedule which made it impossible for her to give Fletch the attention he deserved so , reluctantly , she gave him to friends .
5 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
6 A dozen or more examples of the soulboy 's discourse have made it impossible for us to listen to virtually any ‘ black ’ record with any real pleasure , without ghastly phrases like ‘ pride and dignity ’ popping into our heads .
7 Energetic international regulation of banking and tax laws , making it impossible for the mafiosi to launder their ill-gotten gains , would quickly destroy the Mafia and with it the myth of an irrepressible global conspiracy .
8 This does not make it impossible for a domestic market to be dominated and then abused , but it is far less likely to happen .
9 He hated her for making it impossible for him to bring women home .
10 He had made no plans : fatigue made it impossible for him to think rationally .
11 As had happened previously , the fines were paid anonymously but the magistrates had made it impossible for an outsider to defuse the situation on this occasion by also binding them over to keep the peace .
12 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
13 Her unfortunate gaffe over tea made it impossible for Elisabeth to offer any excuse when Mitzi Baum accosted her on the stairs on the way to dinner and asked her to share her table .
14 His desire to be always in absolute control made it impossible for him to seek the medical and psychological help he needed and he had no close friends to persuade him .
15 A recent bereavement may make it impossible for a participant in a drama class to join in a drama about the Plague of London or the death of Cordelia .
16 Family and employment pressures make it impossible for many parents to offer help and their feelings and attitudes need careful consideration .
17 It can also in effect make it impossible for them to participate in the community and thus deprives them of an important aspect of citizenship .
18 You 've made it impossible for him to change his mind , with your carry-on in public .
19 The domination of the media by the belligerent Anglo-American perspective has made it impossible for audiences in Britain to realise the enormity of the damage inflicted by the Gulf war on the West 's relationship with the so-called Third World .
20 His perceptual difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his immediate family or your relationship with him .
21 The roof , however , was only six years old and a structural analysis subsequently carried out by a structural engineer showed that not only was it impossible for that roof to slip , but furthermore it was twice as strong as the Building Regulations required .
22 New policing strategies The commitment of large numbers of police officers to the task of keeping the pits open made it impossible for the National Union of Mineworkers to achieve a total shut-down in domestic coal production .
23 The process of becoming successful makes it impossible for fans and the band to visualise and treat each other in the same way .
24 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
25 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
26 By analogy , therefore , where the refusal of planning permission makes it impossible for a defendant to comply with the terms of a nuisance order , this could be regarded as a reasonable excuse .
27 Often the skirt was frilled as well making it impossible for the audience to see where the skirt ended and the knickers began .
28 It makes it impossible for them to pursue their careers and the average hospital bill that faces them often exceeds $ 100 000 .
29 In fact , the erratic supplies of kerosene and LPG make it impossible for many middle-class families to rely on one source of energy .
30 Scientific , technical and clerical workers have signed a petition calling for the university to make it impossible for ‘ nuclear weapons-motivated research ’ involving SLAC to be carried out .
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