Example sentences of "[pron] remember [art] " in BNC.

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31 I remember a discussion on my last day .
32 I remember a kindly elderly member of our church saying to Shanti , ‘ Are n't you a lucky girl !
33 I remember a case where an architect designer , without excuse bent over the shoulder of his employee , a brilliant 22-year-old designer , and put his name unashamedly to the novel ideas and design of the young man , claiming them for his own .
34 I remember a painful occasion in 1923 when I was doing my usual thing , kicking a tennis ball into the U-shape formed by the three walls .
35 I remember a little kiosk outside Allerton Cemetery .
36 H. P. I remember a policeman arresting someone under the ‘ being a suspected person/loitering with intent ’ power — who sued him .
37 And I remember a great orange moon floating on warm , richly scented evenings .
38 There have been lots of others , of course , and I remember a lovely beast called Daisy who would have been grand .
39 Some are based on a wrong premise : I remember a Labour one in 1979 which pre-supposed that the world would think Mrs Thatcher was a bogeywoman and said something like : ‘ The day you forgot to vote , Mrs Thatcher became the next prime minister . ’
40 I remember a morning like that in Derbyshire … a morning with so much Day-Glo orange cardboard sprouting on poles from so many fields that by 11am I was near suicide — a mood that ended with the discovery that the posters were for a popular brand of fertiliser .
41 I remember a student who dropped into our home two years ago on his way around Europe .
42 I remember a lovely lady who attended my slimming club years ago .
43 I remember a certain belief in the unchangeability of certain things .
44 I remember a Rhodesian in our squadron writing a long letter to the ‘ Malta Times ’ about this very subject , but I do n't think it was ever published . ’
45 CALL ME old , call me antiquated , but I remember a time when The Railway Children were , if not quite press darlings , then at least going on the occasional date with the media .
46 I remember a meeting with our corporate advisers in the City , 20 of us sitting round this huge boardroom table .
47 I remember a stately home which proudly displayed a Nelson letter the original of which was in the National Maritime Museum .
48 I remember a recurring nightmare that has only become clear in recent years through an interest in dreams .
49 I remember a terrific noise in the night , and thinking that a submarine must have got through after all , dashed into Pop 's cabin to be told that it was only coal being poured into the bunkers below decks !
50 ‘ Well , I suppose now that you 've dragged it out of Edna , I shall have to say that I remember a man and my mother in a yellow frock looking unusually pretty and being angry that they would n't take any notice of me when I tried to get their attention .
51 ‘ I think I remember a tale long ago about a similar matter , ’ he said .
52 And a moustache , I remember a moustache . ’
53 I remember a horrifying dream I had during one Wimbledon wherein I was sitting on top of a tall step-ladder half-way down the garden in the umpire 's position — not awarding points to the thrusting vegetation below but conducting them with a baton .
54 I remember a lot of questions about gay men , Heaven , leather bars and the geography of London .
55 Also I remember a very , very early meeting when somebody said , ‘ Let's think of the reasons why we are glad to be gay , ’ and I thought , ‘ Rubbish , there are n't any , what nonsense . ’
56 I remember a man coming up to me at Sandhurst and looking at the back of my hair and saying , ‘ What regiment are you going into ? ’ and I said ‘ The Grenadiers , ’ and he said ‘ You appear to be growing your own bear skin . ’
57 I remember a while ago someone told me he thought I should be wearing platform shoes , but we 're not into having symbols of different generations , we 're just into style as a ‘ thing ’ : we 're into flaunting things , it 's just part of what we are . ’
58 ‘ I ca n't say that I remember a case .
59 I remember a few years ago a lady bought a jumper to the knitting club , displaying it proudly and saying : ‘ it 's just some out of the washing machine ’ .
60 I remember a major who begged us not to kill him , my lord .
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