Example sentences of "[pron] aware [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Am I aware of the voice-leading possibilities for chords I regularly use ?
2 Yet Nixon continued to maintain his innocence : on 22 May , he stated that " I took no part in , nor was I aware of any subsequent effort that may have been made to cover up Watergate . "
3 Not only am I aware of that dependence ; I am aware of the debt that we owe the area and of the real contribution made by the people of Plymouth to the Royal Navy and the Royal Marine Commandos , among other units involved .
4 … an experienced teacher , someone aware of the educational possibilities and problems offered by the use of multi-media materials … a person enthusiastic to extend the range of learning methods employed in schools and keenly interested in educational technology .
5 In this second document , then , the Secretary of State showed himself aware of some of the differing demands : breadth with no sacrifice of depth ; practical content that will not displace the theoretical ; the maintenance , even the raising , of ‘ standards ’ , with a welcome none the less for those who might have approached learning and assessment in a new way .
6 Before the originating summons was served upon the mother the father had not made her aware of his intention to ‘ go back ’ upon his letter of 23 September 1991 in which he had said that he did not intend to seek to have the children returned to Australia .
7 An impatient exclamation brought her aware of the man leaning against the back of the settee in a deceptively relaxed pose .
8 The warm feeling induced by the spirit made her aware of how cold she had been since hearing the news .
9 It was a burning , raking scrutiny , designed to make her aware of his pulsing desire to slake his sexual hunger with her that only needed her nod to unleash itself .
10 The object of advanced use of the FDR is to make you aware of its potential .
11 Are you aware of how much Ms Penumbra has invested in you ? ’
12 Were you aware of many aspects of the curriculum taking place ( eg science , maths , computer ) ?
13 This means that , having discussed the problems with you , he should make you aware of the consequences of a continuing failure to live up to expectations and give you an opportunity to demonstrate an improvement .
14 Are you aware of any significant changes in council policies over the past five years ?
15 make you aware of what you should emphasize to the interviewer to demonstrate your suitability for the post ;
16 Were you aware of the effect that Eric and Peter 's contribution was having on music at that time ?
17 The beauty of this method is that it makes you aware of the most harmonic choices that are avaible to you on any chosen scale degree .
18 Were you aware of Genesis in those days ?
19 Are you aware of your own beauty , or do you only glimpse it through the acknowledgement of others ?
20 A male teacher can antagonize you , attract you , provoke you into working harder , and make you aware of aspects of yourself that you did not know existed ; if these have potential , a man can apply a useful sort of pressure to make you develop them .
21 It makes you aware of how much power there exists within yourself , not only to resist oppression , but also to oppress others .
22 PASSIONATE songs and groovy diversions and a voice that cracks and soars and makes you aware of the rich possibilities of your lot , instead of burying your feelings in a horrible , orthodox genre .
23 Are you aware of the particular charism of any Religious community in your area ?
25 And you aware of the restrictions on drink for young people ?
26 Were you aware of that ?
27 Were you aware of that er Mr ?
28 What methods of randomizing are you aware of ?
29 Do are you aware of the difference between erm an advisor who is tied and one who is perfectly free .
30 ‘ Apart from the woman he was going to marry are you aware of any others in your uncle 's life ? ’
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