Example sentences of "[pron] happen on " in BNC.

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1 Nothing happens on the property in Kent — from which I conclude that our plans have either misfired or we have been seen through ( now there 's a possibility to douse even your ever-optimistic spirit ) and from you I hear nothing at all .
2 So what you 're saying , in terms of the eight minutes , is that something , an event which happens on the sun , which is visible , takes about eight minutes to reach us .
3 The vehicle was shunted more than 200 yards down the line in the accident , which happened on the Halifax to Leeds line at Ducketts Crossing , West Yorkshire , at 4.45pm .
4 In its reply to the Commission on 11 December , the UK said it would now withdraw the derogations ( which happened on 10 April 1988 ) .
5 He pleaded guilty to the drink-drive offence which happened on December 22nd .
6 They both pleaded guilty to using threatening words and behaviour in the incident which happened on March 2nd .
7 The woman was unhurt in the ordeal , which happened on March 20 last year .
8 If certain parties refuse to co-operate , we should get on with it anyway , and leave no vacuum to be filled by murders such as those which happened on Friday .
9 He appealed for anyone with information about the attack , which happened on Saturday night , to contact South Bank CID on Middlesbrough 326326 .
10 Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident which happened on the B1257 at Clay Bank , near Chop Gate .
11 Patel , who was driving friends home after drinks at a pub , fled the crash which happened on November 30 last year .
12 So er just a just a few instances o of of actual film of things which happen on the road which depict attitude .
13 These are lectures lecture courses which happen on one day and which are really designed to cover something of interest to sixth form science teachers , usually sixth form physics teachers .
14 The numbers involved are about 700 and most of these job losses have now happened and indeed the bulk of them happened on the last Friday of the financial year which was last week when about 150 people took early retirement .
15 She did n't ask the question idly , but with the authority of one who expected to be kept informed of everything happening on the island .
16 We happened on some good 'uns , and we happened on some sort of funny ones when we goo round .
17 We happened on some good 'uns , and we happened on some sort of funny ones when we goo round .
18 Paul in second Corinthians said that Christ became sin for us , a glorious exchange took place , something happened on the cross which was necessary .
19 Phil Collins — ‘ Something Happened On The Way to Heaven ’
20 Phil Collins — ‘ Something Happened On The Way to Heaven ’
21 But there 's a whole range of behaviours which one can include in sexual harassment , going from fairly mundane every day things which just grind people down and which grind people down because they happen on a constant basis , to very serious once in a while sorts of behaviours , and to try and categorise them as major or minor does n't really get us very close to being what the issue is about .
22 I certainly never pictured it as being the same operation acting on different pieces until I actually saw it happening on the cube .
23 I , I used to drive Sheena , but I can safely say that I live on the A seventy seven , aggression is equally as bad as drinking driving , because you see it happening on that road every day , aggression they cut out they cut in , you do n't know where their coming from , er at least a drunken driver tries to go straight and make 's the mistake
24 Since they ca n't see it happening on earth they invent a heaven in which it does .
25 The only time that you will hear about it is whe , if you have the television on and you see it happening on the parliament and on your papers .
26 The President of the United States has to press one button , the man on the spot another : the radio frequencies are so wildly different that the chances of anyone happening on the right combination are billions to one . ’
27 This is the first time I 've had someone round to tea in years , and it happens on the very day I become homeless .
28 Steaming is not restricted to tube trains : it happens on buses , in shops and even department stores where large items are stolen en masse in broad daylight .
29 One tries to explain that it happens on the odd occasion , at Question Time , which is not a great parliamentary occasion , and that is what the media pick up .
30 Sadly , there turns out to be a sound explanation for this instruction it 's aimed at the club audience , who watch the show as it happens on banks of TV monitors .
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