Example sentences of "[pron] might therefore " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that systematic use should be made of the words ‘ safety ’ , ‘ security ’ ( a word Labour was believed to be fond of and which might therefore be turned to advantage ) , and ‘ support ’ .
2 The ganger , whose section this was and who might therefore have been responsible , had passed through some ninety minutes earlier .
3 Legal rights and duties are a familiar part of our legal scene ; you might therefore be surprised that anyone would propose pragmatism as an eligible interpretation of our present practice .
4 The first mention of £100 clearly demands an ‘ at least ’ interpretation ; what Arthur has is ‘ exactly ’ £100 ; one might therefore not expect the it of the second sentence to be able to refer anaphorically to £100 in the first sentence without antagonism .
5 One might therefore expect that Streicher 's checks would not work .
6 One might therefore think that opening another slit would just increase the number of electrons hitting each point of the screen , but , because of interference , it actually decreases it in some places .
7 We might therefore expect these works to conform in some way to established taste , but it does not follow , as many of Wordsworth 's later disciples were prone to assume that anything in heroic couplets is necessarily bad ; in fact , many passages from these poems compare quite favourably with Wordsworth 's eighteenth-century predecessors .
8 We might therefore expect a commemorative poem in his honour to contain melancholy , death , and a churchyard , but the whole mood of Wordsworth 's poem is different from , say , Gray 's Elegy , a stanza of which was inscribed on Taylor 's tomb .
9 We might therefore suppose that it is normal for the growing bough to straighten under stress by some simple non-living mechanism .
10 We might therefore wonder whether its appearance in Foucault , far from being the result of theoretical ineptitude , does not involve simulacra , or ghostly bad copies , similarly designed to undermine the claims of theoretical mastery , and to produce in his texts surface-effects of the kind of heterogeneity we might expect from someone who had contested the unifying function of ‘ the author ’ .
11 We might therefore ask whether , even within the framework of Oakeshott 's thought , this should be considered an achievement of great importance — not simply prudentially but also morally .
12 We might therefore demand difference of grammatical paradigm as a minimum requirement for distinctness .
13 We might therefore advance the hypothesis that the medieval evidence ( unlike the modern dialect evidence for [ h ] -fulness in Norfolk ) is from a relatively high social stratum — this is certainly true of the Paston Letters at the very least — and that [ h ] -loss was current at that level but not amongst the rural population .
14 We might therefore expect to find two local modes of rather similar frequency .
15 We might therefore expect B's utterance to be interpreted as a non-co-operative response , a brushing aside of A's concerns with a change of topic .
16 They might therefore have a physicochemical affinity for one another .
17 They might therefore be exempted from — or given modified — handwriting and presentation targets and , depending on the degree of impairment , undertake the writing tasks through alternative means of communication , using technological aids .
18 They might therefore be fearful of losing out if they accept a tender offer prematurely .
19 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
20 It might therefore be expected that many contests would provide fatalities , but this was not the case .
21 Although we both knew that we were acting from the best possible motives , I argued , other people were always ready to place a malicious interpretation on their neighbours ' doings and it might therefore be better to wait before breaking the news .
22 It might therefore be worth trying to get permission and , if granted , the private road can be followed on a rough surface for five miles .
23 From a detached perspective , it might therefore seem that the political viability of the USSR 's East European clients depends not only on greater economic and administrative competence on their part , but the opening up of communication channels between élite and mass and a narrowing of the gulf between state and society .
24 It might therefore be worth considering the alternative of independent production and printing , relying on editorial mention for distribution .
25 It might therefore be thought advantageous to limit the class of lexical units to these .
26 It might therefore seem that the best , and the only rational , solution is to abandon all references to identity in connection with meaning .
27 It might therefore be imagined that a parade of relevant facts would by itself solve any argument .
28 It might therefore seem a rather odd choice as a label , but Wimsatt and Brooks 's reason for using it is that they view these analogical or metaphorical relationships as producing effects essentially similar to those for which the word irony is more commonly used , and which they also see as an important part of poetry .
29 It might therefore be expected that sequences corresponding to ZNF11 would also be duplicated in the apes , but not necessarily in species more distantly related to man .
30 Admittedly , explaining their achievements is not part of Althusser 's project , and he might therefore be excused for failing to indicate the specific historical conjuncture from which Marxism arose .
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