Example sentences of "[pron] may sometimes " in BNC.

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1 There is an oscillation between light and darkness but no particular moment of time when day becomes night or night day ; as I walk across the landscape I may sometimes be on a hill top and sometimes in a valley bottom but at no point does the surface of the earth come to an end .
2 The interests of the elderly person and the rest of the family network , which may sometimes be in competition .
3 This is sadly not appreciated by many owners , and can become a cause of problems , which may sometimes even feature in the news headlines .
4 All major inquiries are now initiated by ministers who prefer to rely on royal commissions or departmental committees , which may sometimes contain a couple of MPs .
5 Check , though , that she is n't sleeping in an awkward position , which may sometimes cause the problem .
6 An understanding of the significance of these negotiations , which may sometimes more accurately be described as bargaining , and the resulting settlements is fundamental to civil litigation .
7 To make additions to a book , which may sometimes be misleading .
8 The ventral arm plates are wide , pentagonal , with an obtuse proximal angle and convex distal edge , which may sometimes be medianly indented ; they are separated from one another .
9 An alternative notation which may sometimes be more convenient is ( 5 ) , with square brackets marking the fact that this word-meaning is taken to match an entity : If , however , the mind does not feel that BOTTLES is sufficiently specific to identify the target of its attention , then the identification may be extended as in ( 6 ) , where we adopt a plain arrowhead as our representation of qualification : We assume that a qualified entity remains an entity ( see Appendix B ) , and this can more conveniently be represented by our alternative notation as in : It is quite important to stress the retention of the same subscript i in ( 7 ) .
10 " How was it made ? " is a very important question which may sometimes lead on to experiment or to further research .
11 As such , schizophrenia can be distinguished from progressive degeneration disorders of the brain like senile dementia , the delirium or dementia which may sometimes follow severe head injury or drug abuse , and the effects of neurological conditions like Huntington 's chorea or brain tumours .
12 The same applies to more distant relatives who may sometimes share a household .
13 Even if you are coping well enough overall , you may sometimes be provoked into anger against the patient , either because of his behaviour , or because of your mutual frustration at the situation his illness has created .
14 If you watch the treatment sessions , you may sometimes think that the patient is not taking any active role in initiating movements , whereas the physiotherapist seems to be doing the movements for him .
15 In ditches and damp springs , you may sometimes notice that the water is discoloured to a strong shade of orange .
16 You may sometimes wish to shorten the end of the previous shot by over-recording it with the beginning of the next one .
17 They may well have had sexual intercourse regularly before the act in question and , because a sexual relationship may involve a degree of compromise , she may sometimes have agreed only with some reluctance to such intercourse .
18 That same ability to identify helps her appreciate the hurts she may sometimes have caused others .
19 In the age of the life-support machine , we may sometimes look back wistfully to those days , when doctors and relatives of the moribund person were not faced with the agonising decision whether or not to preserve the existence of a human vegetable .
20 Central to his description of dreaming is the suspension of volition , " and in respect to the mind , we never exercise our reason or recollection in dreams ; we may sometimes seem distracted between contending passions , but we never compare their objects , or deliberate about the acquisition of these objects … "
21 The third again focuses directly upon the child but we may sometimes ask ourselves whether the dissonance between child and parents , or child and society at large , is mutual rather than child-centred .
22 We may sometimes hear merely a fragment of a melody , yet we know immediately what it is , where it comes from .
23 While one may sometimes wonder whether some of one 's colleagues were quite as warmly welcomed as they make out , most returned field-workers readily assume the role of genial impresarios or spokesmen for their exotic hosts .
24 If we ask in this type of case why businesses expanded , there may sometimes by no systematic explanation to be given .
25 There may sometimes be problems in deciding which member of a pair is the endonym and which the exonym , although in most cases we can trust our intuitions .
26 There may sometimes be a tendency for a few of the structures to occur in a group or with a temporary periodicity , but , in general , the random aspect of turbulence is manifested in when and where coherent structures are to be found .
27 EXAMPLES are not hard to find which prove that capitalism and democracy , though they may sometimes exist together , are certainly not synonymous .
28 Differences between black women psychologists are ignored , even though they may sometimes be more important than their similarities .
29 They may sometimes be emitted when matter particles interact with each other by exchanging virtual force-carrying particles .
30 It may sometimes be possible to associate together vessels which have inclusions with similar textural characteristics , and even to suggest possible sources .
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