Example sentences of "[pron] be based " in BNC.

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1 Each year there are close to 600 incidents of crime reported to our police , around two thirds of whom are based on BNFL sites .
2 These researches and others like them are based on innumerable hours of field study in remote places .
3 This ‘ hidden interest rate ’ may also add to the rates shown above for shop accounts , trading checks and tallymen : the rates shown for them are based solely on interest charged by them .
4 Her materials consist of marble dust , gypsum cement , resins and rhoplex , but the ways in which she works with them are based on a kind of body language , using gestures that are related to her subject matter .
5 So many of them are based on wordplay , puns . ’
6 That 's , well no , if they , if they apply either to myself or my colleague , er I am based at St Edmunds Hospital in Northampton and my colleague is based in Birmingham , er they can er , er apply for an entry form and then for the sponsorship forms .
7 Now , on erm the er insurance er the , the pensions and life side then that 's my particular area , and obviously I 'm based in Birmingham for that , although I actually live in Derby .
8 My name 's Paul I 'm a sergeant with the Community Affairs Department er I 'm , I was based at until last week but now I 'm based at temporarily .
9 I 'm based on the moons of Jupiter from now on , and the only time I 'll come back to earth will be strictly on a day-trip basis .
10 This was in a period when I was based at Llandudno and every available minute of spare time was spent in climbing and scrambling among those delightful hills .
11 I was based on a big estate where there were extensive herds of grazing cattle .
12 It arose because of my meeting George Wigg in the army , whom I had encountered when I was based at Southern Command headquarters and he was at the same headquarters as a Lieutenant-Colonel in charge of army education , where he had already established a reputation for ruthless eccentricity .
13 It does n't float in the air it drops down to ground level and some years ago , when I was based in Ashfield , I had an experience of this .
14 I was based in Rostov-on-Don , part of the British team preparing for the ship 's arrival .
15 My name 's Paul I 'm a sergeant with the Community Affairs Department er I 'm , I was based at until last week but now I 'm based at temporarily .
16 ‘ It was rather more difficult when I was based in London between foreign postings .
17 Narrative dance is used in the conversations between the Miller , his Wife and their canary , and between the Wife and the Corregidor , which are based on flamenco music .
18 Secondly , there are modern works which are based on tales of passionate love , often frustrated or unrequited , and usually ending in tragedy , e.g. Romeo and Juliet , A Month in the Country and The Invitation .
19 British experts are likely to dispute these calculations which are based on mathematical models that attempt to extrapolate likely human cancers from laboratory studies .
20 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
21 There are , however , two criticisms which have been levelled at Hamilton 's ideas , mainly by sociologists and anthropologists , which are based on a misunderstanding .
22 Meanwhile , the Royal Opera has marked the occasion by reviving its 1990 production of Guillaume Tell , thus providing London 's opera-goers with the chance to hear two large-scale French operas by Italian composers which are based on plays by Schiller .
23 Thirdly , appropriate training and development strategies must be established which are based on analysis and creating the capability to act ; such training is thus confrontational and enabling .
24 Fifthly , selection procedures must be introduced which are based on accurate and relevant person and job specifications and which are predictive in nature .
25 These images build up into stereotypes ; generalizations about what is to be expected of older people , which are based at best on partial information rather than the full diversity of their real lives .
26 The main variation on the area theme tends to occur in authorities which are based on a very large city collection .
27 Educational decisions hike other administrative decisions ) involve choices between available alternatives which are based on both educational and economic factors , and which often involve subjective judgement and value decisions .
28 There can be little doubt that there is available to humankind meanings to the words ‘ god ’ and ‘ religion ’ which are based on reason and the intelligent interpretation of the limitless amount of information on the course of evolution and civilisation which can be gathered through the study of history and prehistory .
29 ‘ Well , you ca n't really define good humbuckers any more , so I just sent the Seymour Duncans which are based on the originals , made the exact same way that the original humbuckers were . ’
30 Relationships ( of any kind ) which are based upon love , rather than upon the need for security or self-esteem , are marked by :
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