Example sentences of "[pron] he 'd " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to expand , so he went into partnership with someone he 'd been doing business with .
2 Especially not someone he 'd known all his life .
3 Tammuz Malamute abused the body Ewan had bequeathed him for years , telling himself he 'd buried the past , until the day he woke up and a voice inside reminded him that Ari Famber was fourteen years old .
4 A girl ran out with his buns which he 'd forgotten .
5 He bent down to his briefcase which he 'd left on the floor , took out a folder , turned back the pages , and handed it to her .
6 And he had found a tumbler and another bottle of Famous Grouse from which he 'd taken , at most , two tots .
7 In 1984 he had nothing left to prove — he was successful , shooting stock shots for The Image Bank , which he 'd been a director of for six years .
8 He 'd had a bad dream in which he 'd been not only head of the Conservative Research Department , but also with the Raj in Belfast , and confronted by coalminers and oil-rig workers to boot .
9 A pewter pot and clean cups and saucers were on the table , and there was a rag mat in front of Paddy 's chair which he 'd said he had carried on his back from Hungerford Market .
10 His life had been spent tending the land to which he 'd been born and what more could any man want ?
11 Mike lowered the can of Coke which he 'd been emptying down his parched throat .
12 There were also photographs of his weak and charming father , who had read Pravda and the Daily Telegraph every morning , and his beautiful feckless mother , who 'd run off with an Italian and now lived in some palazzo in Rome , and of the huge house in which he 'd been brought up .
13 My favourite was a Wendy house which he 'd furnished with a tiny drop-leaf mahogany table , two matching chairs and a T.V. with clicking knobs and a picture of the Queen behind the perspex screen .
14 After a while Bridget asked if she 'd like to see over the house , and Kevin 's room , which he 'd shared with Shamus , of course .
15 He had in his hurry left one drawer just a little open , and was now delving into the carpet-bag , which he 'd found at the bottom of the shelved larder .
16 He produced the folded sheet of notepaper on which he 'd copied down Blackbeard 's letter .
17 As with London , New York was a city in which he 'd had friends once , but lost them .
18 He could n't distinguish her from the darkness , but any lingering doubt that she might belong to the dream from which he 'd risen was dispatched as her hand went from his mouth to his bare chest .
19 We had a nice bottle of wine , and whenever he poured it he put his hand over the price-tag which he 'd forgotten to remove .
20 So he , he thought he 'd do an experiment , er he took a small piece of radium which he 'd extracted from several tons of pitchblende and he put this bit of radium on his forearm and , and put a bandage round to hold it in place and left it there for a week and said right I 'll see what happens .
21 As Ace manoeuvred down the flank of the shuttle , letting her gauntlets scrape against the weld-seams and pock-marks in order to slow her drift towards the base of the craft , she saw that the Dalek Killer was using his weapon to cut through the metallic material of the surface on which he 'd parked .
22 She left him in front of a café and as she drove away to follow the complex instructions back to the raccordo she saw him in her mirror , standing with his hand still raised in the sort of military salute with which he 'd taken his leave of her .
23 He lived alone now , in a small house in Highgate which he 'd shared with his wife before she left him .
24 He was standing with three friends and telling a tale in which he 'd conned some adversary into covering a dubious investment .
25 The Nazi was waiting for her when she arrived ; lovingly fingering several lengths of rope which he 'd meticulously arranged in coils on the floor .
26 He explained the theory of Mastery of Learning , about which he 'd spoken before .
27 He ran his eye down the list , looking at the column in which he 'd noted the time of day for each killing .
28 Caught up in the hysteria of the moment , Hoc ran blindly with the milling crowd , still clutching the bloodstained coupe-coupe with which he 'd felled the Corsican .
29 Two of them were locked , including the vehicle in which he 'd spent most of the night cruising .
30 She 'd read Shakespeare , Pete had n't ; not unless you counted Julius Caesar at school , which he 'd managed to get through with a lot of patience and a set of Coles ' Notes .
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