Example sentences of "[pron] can imagine " in BNC.

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1 I can imagine you in a tennis dress .
2 Undergraduates of moderate ability do not much like being asked to choose between differing judgements on the same text ; I can imagine them becoming confused and resentful if they were asked to choose between different critical approaches and all their attendant ideological baggage .
3 It began : ‘ I can imagine a wise and well-informed man , quite aloof from any political party , saying to our little gathering : ‘ The Country and the Empire are in three tangles , which the ordinary process of disputation followed by a General Election in this country can not unravel . ’
4 I can imagine . ’
5 I can imagine looking like this , having this image , until I 'm forty .
6 You know , the most fertile image I can imagine is Ilona standing next to a Bavarian cow . ’
7 I can imagine the mordant amusement with which Sir Ian watched the poll tax legislation of a government with which he had little sympathy being hissed off the statute book amid public disorder to the alarm of its erstwhile supporters .
8 I can imagine that Aubrey might be indiscreet , but not that you — of all people — would celebrate the fact in your morning orisons ! ’
9 I can imagine , it must be intuitive , like discovery in mathematics .
10 I can imagine a novel that is as tricksy , as alienated and as writerly as those of , say , Alain Robbe-Grillet while also providing the staid satisfactions of pace , plot and humour with which we associate , say , Jane Austen .
11 I can imagine the headlines .
12 I can imagine .
13 I can imagine you turning right in one of the lanes around here , and me going straight on into some duck pond or other . ’
14 I can imagine members of each of these fraternities getting something out of some parts of the book — and , by serendipitous sampling , discovering interesting titbits .
15 I can imagine a lot of beautiful things that , among their functions , will not tell me the time .
16 In the long term , I can imagine using the same factories if we use the same platform and fit many of the same parts .
17 Our gentle driving had resulted in 15.6mpg — about what I was expecting — but also a maximum touring range of 300 miles , which I can imagine some owners quibbling with .
18 I CAN IMAGINE THE INDIGNANT HOWLS OF protest as collectors all over the country now run to their shelves to gather together a clutch of beloved performances .
19 There is an old-fashioned quality to these performances which leaves me wishing for something just a little less well-upholstered , although I can imagine anyone coming to Bach for the first time with this recording could well come away with the impression that old LEAVES is quite simply the ‘ bizz ’ , and I for one would not wish to argue with that !
20 I can imagine that there may be some listeners who fill find the earlier movements just a shade self-effacing , despite the exceptional playing standards , typically glowing Philips recording , and exemplary foresight and structural awareness .
21 I can imagine that there will be those who fill find his rendering of the main theme 's final return somewhat cloying , but by this time I was already far to engrossed to worry unduly .
22 I can imagine what 's going through your minds at this point .
23 I can imagine that , ’ said Catriona , and she saw the local , dark and quiet and fairly empty , and Forgue in his donkey jacket and tartan scarf listening to an old man talk about mining in Calgary .
24 I can imagine ending my days in a lovely Georgian house in the Paragon or Cornwallis Crescent , gazing at this wonderful view . ’
25 I haven 's seen the film but I can imagine that it would be a great advantage to be shown the highly symbolic garden and to breathe the house 's atmosphere of sunny perversity .
26 ‘ And I can imagine , ’ I said , seeing resignation more than indignation now in her face , ‘ that Bambi Lorrimore took no notice , that Mercer hurried to help you up and apologize , and Mrs Young enquired if you were hurt . ’
27 ‘ The only reason I can imagine is — again , going back to the management and the bottom line — that he went into the Vegas thing .
28 When I watch a gay video I can imagine myself as any or all of the participants , or just sit back and enjoy being a voyeur .
29 I can imagine how desperate she must be feeling .
30 I can imagine the rise in colour and temperature of the ‘ faithful swain' when meeting such a display of cool indifference .
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