Example sentences of "[pron] can sometimes " in BNC.

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1 Gedge told The Legend ! in an NME interview in April 1986 : ‘ When we play live I can sometimes come across as glib or arrogant and find that people take exception to what I say when all I 'm trying to do is talk to the audience . ’
2 You think that because I can sometimes see what 's trivial and what 's important in art I ought to be more virtuous .
3 I can sometimes
4 Apart from quantifying the alloying metals , it also measures trace metals which can sometimes be used to ‘ finger-print ’ an individual supply of metal ( fig. 5.2 ) .
5 While these are the most important tools for the grouping together of coins , there are other subsidiary methods which can sometimes help to define groups of coins .
6 Others designed the sculpture for a specific viewpoint , which can sometimes be reconstructed by looking up into the figure 's eyes .
7 Tens of millions of passengers pass through busy airports like London 's Heathrow every year , which can sometimes make travellers furious , but not very fast .
8 By this I mean we need to look to the cause of the problem , not just to the symptoms which can sometimes be the signs of a more serious underlying health problem ( see Chapter 7 ) .
9 When children overdo self-restraint , problems arise which can sometimes affect their future happiness .
10 Apart from deep psychiatry and hypnosis which can sometimes disclose these events and thus heal them , the only way to overcome these fears is to expand the adult part of our mind and tune out the child and the parent as much as we can .
11 Most people prefer to avoid pursuing a claim if it means going to court because of the expense , which can sometimes end up being more than the amount of money in dispute .
12 Fermented from the clear , uncoloured juice of the black grape , Pinot Noir Champagnes have a deeper hue of gold than blanc de blancs Champagnes ( which can sometimes be almost water-white ) .
13 You 'll probably be better off just keeping one male and a group of females to prevent the problems of territoriality between rival males , which can sometimes occur with Platies and Swordtails .
14 Problems arising from faults in carpet manufacture or fitting may be passed on to a body like the British Carpet Technical Centre , which can sometimes offer a testing or arbitration service .
15 The formula does not contain silicone so it wo n't create build-up on the hair which can sometimes affect the result of chemical treatments carried out in the salons .
16 A Christmas card needs to stand up by itself , and even the thicker papers which can sometimes be fed into a photocopier are not as stiff as card .
17 Only broad generalisations are possible , drawing on Romany and Irish traveller history , which can sometimes apply to other groups .
18 The body may attempt to make up for sleep lost at night by naps in the day , which can sometimes disturb the body 's natural rhythm .
19 One of the best starts for later work in public relations , and one which can sometimes prove a route into a job , is working for a charity , organization or event which needs publicity .
20 These are two , rather simple examples of the type of flexibility in approach which is now possible , and which can sometimes remove the intermediate barriers between students and better achievement .
21 The guaranteed customers ( even if at cut-price ) twice daily during term-time can assist the financial success of many rural bus routes , which can sometimes also be used by adults to travel to nearby centres .
22 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
23 Frequently , the boundaries of the areas of land are described and these refer to topographical features which can sometimes still be found in the landscape .
24 One in ten young children suffer a head injury , which can sometimes lead to years of difficulty at school and work .
25 If life at home ever does become unbearable , there are older relatives , school counsellors , Samaritans and social workers who can sometimes , as a last resort , find you somewhere else to live .
26 I believe I am a more flexible player who can sometimes play off the cuff and throw the opposition .
27 Mr E described Dave , now in his second term at this school , as exasperatingly ‘ lazy ’ , always talking to others , the only one in the class who will make a mess of things , who can not even copy from the board , but who can sometimes surprise by good work .
28 You can sometimes discover what responses the opponent is likely to make it you make a sudden move towards him .
29 To the west it is possible to see the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland and you can sometimes see the peaks of Snowdonia to the north .
30 Alternatively , you can sometimes save money by using different firms for each process .
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