Example sentences of "[pron] would find " in BNC.

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1 Phoned Moira and told her I wanted it out as soon as possible ; if she would n't have it I would find someone who would .
2 Tomorrow I would find chemical solutions to these new problems .
3 I would save some money and then I would find a man to marry me , especially if I promised to bring him to London .
4 This particular tool I would find little use for .
5 I would find it very hard to follow gut feel if I could not put forward arguments on two sides of a sheet of paper as to why it was the right decision .
6 We try to see that conditions at work are such that if I , to make it personal , was working in a particular factory , I would find them as congenial as they could reasonably be .
7 I would find the same difficulty in putting down words for a dragonfly above a summer pond or a new spider 's web hung with dew on a spring hedgerow .
8 In the morning I would find myself putting on a T-shirt , a pair of tight pants and baseball boots , without any thought .
9 I would find it very difficult to go into a situation , like a communal changing room in a big store , where other women would see my body .
10 I was n't to be allowed to do what Fiona and Tremayne had both foretold , that I would find the truth for Doone .
11 ‘ I 'm afraid , ’ writes Sidney Pollack , ‘ I would find my imagination not up to the challenge of working with no limits whatsoever . ’
12 ‘ If I ever saw pepper coming out of a pepper pot I would find that funny .
13 I would find it difficult drinking so much pink .
14 ‘ I would be prepared to write a leader on this project , but I would find it difficult to take the opposing point of view to that given in those two leaders .
15 ‘ Thank God that I am not answerable to any higher authority ; but were I in the position of having to justify myself before the great British public , even I would find it difficult to defend your priorities . ’
16 For my part , I would find it just as irksome as you , to work under his direction . ’
17 Then I would find that the grass had carpeted the rubble and the bushes had begun to climb the torn traffic lights .
18 I can safely claim that nobody at all can read what follows without learning something new about him , any more than I could have imagined , when I began preparing it , how much unrecorded information I would find .
19 He expressed his feelings so many times in the same way that when he could not see me I would find myself mouthing the words with him : ‘ The thing that worries me is bandits and deep sand . ’
20 I had gone believing that I would find plenty of eggs and fish from Lake Balaton — apparently a delicacy .
21 I would find myself searching for her .
22 get excited at around thirty I would find myself
23 This was hopeful , and the Guard Room Corporal confirmed that that was where I would find the Met Office .
24 Over the years I have bought many Pearl recordings and although occasionally I find a particular passage hard to live with , I would find it difficult not to play any of the following at least twice a year : Otello with Martinelli/Tibbett ; Bruno Walter conducting Mahler in 1936 and 1938 ( Das Lied von der Erde and the Adagietto from Symphony No. 5 ) ; the pre-war Glyndebourne recordings with Busch ; the 1935 Vienna Rosenkavalier with Lotte Lehmann and Gerhard Hüsch singing Schubert 's Winterreise and Die Schöne Müllerin .
25 I would find here wherever she was .
26 I would find it offensive to be confronted by my colleague 's knobbly knees , says Jim , 34 .
27 What I would find off-putting is the idea that people would see me as a divorced man 's bit of light relief .
28 The reader who has survived so far may recall that during my wartime service in the Navy I had nursed a great curiosity about the enemy we rarely saw , and that I had promised myself that at some time in the future I would find out more about them , the ships they had fought in and the sort of people they were .
29 The school had an excellent library , especially in the English section , and I would find myself immersed in the literary essays of T. S. Eliot , I. A. Richards , W. K. Wimsatt , Bradley or Dover Wilson , Maud Bodkin on archetypal patterns or Caroline Spurgeon on Shakespeare 's imagery .
30 While still in London I would wake in the night to find the bed devoid of Nigel , whom I would find in the kitchen , drinking tea and pacing the floor .
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