Example sentences of "[pron] have long " in BNC.

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1 As my own thank-offering I would like to try briefly to express some thoughts on education by which I have long been troubled and to which no place , for reasons which I will show , could be more appropriate than this .
2 I have long coveted dictamnus in both white and pink forms .
3 I have long taken an interest in nineteenth-century history . ’
4 I have long been fascinated by his work .
5 But now Ellen the time I have long awaited has come and I write to tell you that an Italian maidservant by name of Gigia who is travelling home to Florence having been in Scotland with a family who are friends of the Brownings is to come to you to collect Oreste and take him to Liverpool where she will be joined by Mr Ogilvy and from whence they will sail for Italy .
6 I HAVE long been impressed by the number of careless references in the Scriptures to the faithful blithely taking it upon themselves to raise houses to the Lord .
7 ‘ Now , as a biologist , I have long been somewhat suspicious of the assumptions about human behavior and motivation made by psychologists and sociologists .
8 I have long ago chosen a more tortuous path — most particularly having eschewed motherhood , a state I do not regret not having .
9 Moments and impressions from this great desert of time remain with me but I have long forgotten in which part of it they occurred .
10 You really are not so handsome as you promised to be ; and I have long wished , by conversation like this , to do away what mischief the flattering character I gave of you may expose you to .
11 This book seems to be based on the techniques I have long suspected some producers use to keep a discussion going for the full length of a programme whether there is anything in it or not , to keep up the emotional temperature even about unexciting things , and to emit statements which are just distorted enough to get people objecting , whether they are worth objecting to or not .
12 I have long been interested in military technology so I was determined to attend the presentation .
13 I have long yearned for this meeting — even before the king my father 's passing .
14 I have long held the view that there is a small clique whose real objective has been to close the airport regardless of any other consideration — it would be interesting to know why .
15 I have long been a avid reader of books about islands .
16 I have long been a professor in the University Of Life .
17 Although the underlying need for a law of contempt in this area seems to be clear , I have long had doubts about the procedural aspects .
18 My Lords , I have long thought that the time had come to change the self-imposed judicial rule that forbade any reference to the legislative history of an enactment as an aid to its interpretation .
19 I have long , naturally curly hair which always seems to be dry and often goes frizzy .
20 I have long been an admirer of Hannah , and I have read the books and seen the television programmes .
21 Furthermore , I have long borne this in mind :
22 ‘ Then Englishmen must be even more brutish than I have long suspected , ’ he cried theatrically .
23 Sir , Further to Andrew Hayward 's rallying cry ( Viewpoint , 16th April ) , I have long nursed a fantasy that we could catch the national imagination in all age groups with a simple generic advertising slogan as catchy as ‘ Use Your Loaf ’ and ‘ Go to Work on an Egg ’ .
24 I have long been concerned about the time lapse from the commissioning of a book to its appearance in the shops .
25 I have long criticised the notion that evolution can be studied by chasing fossil oysters up a single cliff , even though that approach was first brilliantly expounded by my most distinguished predecessor at Swansea .
26 I have long been impressed , for example , by the changes that occur between the Frasnian and Famennian stages of the Late Devonian .
27 We descended in human but not mechanical silence into the Inferno of the Friday evening rush hour , the appropriate punishment , I have long since thought , for the millions in that city and in every other who live and think as we did .
28 All you 've said so far just confirms what I have long suspected — that you were so determined to get to the top , so determined to succeed that day , that you quite deliberately drove my brother off the track ! ’
29 I have long thought that the hon. Gentleman imagined that we were living in Ethiopia , having listened to some of his speeches about the economy .
30 I rarely speak or am active on guillotine motions and resulting business arrangements on timing , because in general I have long been in favour of timetabling all Bills from the start .
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