Example sentences of "[pron] was widely " in BNC.

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1 The directors recommended that the dividend payout to shareholders should be increased by 25 per cent to 7.5p a share which was widely regarded as a move designed to ward off a takeover bid .
2 In a decision which was widely predicted , Mr Patten has declared himself minded to uphold the view of the department 's inspectorate that Consortium Developments , representing several of the country 's major home-builders , had not made a sufficiently strong case for the development of 4,800 houses in what is an abandoned quarry and a conifer plantation .
3 One of the most notorious ways of spreading infection has been the computer game Leisure Suit Larry , which was widely pirated and became infected .
4 The historical year , now in general use in England for all everyday purposes and many official and ecclesiastical , begins on 1 January , and thus coincides with the Roman civil year which was widely used until at least the seventh century .
5 The RIBA had produced a standard form of building contract which was widely used and regarded as reflecting the various roles involved .
6 The DUC condemned the sabotage , which was widely believed to have been carried out by militants from outside the local area .
7 Impetuously he wrote a declaration , which was widely circulated , denying the rumour and asserting that he was ready to prove that the Prayer Book of Edward VI conformed to the commandments of Christ and the practice of the Apostles , whereas the Mass was contrary to that practice and was the work of Satan .
8 The first is Mrs Whitehouse 's emphasis on the power of television as a medium , the second the notion of the ‘ new morality ’ which was widely used in the mid-1960s and which Mrs Whitehouse focused upon in her attacks on both broadcasting and the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians .
9 The very term ‘ lunatic ’ , which was widely used in this discourse , implies a lay psychological theory : the term denotes people whose thinking is disrupted from logicality by personality or stupidity .
10 For Mrs Thatcher and her government , antagonism towards the miners in part reflected a desire for revenge against the union which was widely perceived as precipitating the political crisis which led to the downfall of a previous Conservative government , led by Edward Heath , in 1974 .
11 The double reduction formula is explicitly stated in the equation racism = power + prejudice which was widely adopted within the movement during the 1980s .
12 The government found itself derided for its failure to stand up for Serbia , assert Russian interests in the Straits — the focal point of nationalist aspiration — and face the confrontation between Slav and Teuton which was widely thought to be inevitable .
13 Labour from 1945 to 1950 pushed through a programme of social and economic reform which was widely popular , although bitterly resisted by sections of the professional middle class and industrial bourgeoisie .
14 British membership now stood at 1,639 but the overnight total had been augmented by many European trampers , a trend which was widely welcomed as a sign of real internationalism : ‘ This summer our hostels housed a miniature League of Nations ’ , claimed the Manchester and District Ramblers ' Federation Handbook in 1932 .
15 DDT was followed by other organo-chlorides , including aldrin , isodrin , entrin , and dieldrin , which was widely used in Britain as a sheep-dip and as a seed dressing .
16 In fact , the US-owned Cuban Electric Company , which was widely accused of inefficient operations and monopoly profits , had already been seized ( in January 1959 ) by the new government .
17 Before any sale , the Department of Energy would want to remove any loss-making capacity , but all parties were shocked by a government-commissioned report from merchant bank NM Rothschild , which was widely leaked , forecasting that the industry could be reduced to 12 deep pits over the next three years .
18 Themes of heredity and degeneration underscored his written and clinical work , as demonstrated in The Physiology and Pathology of Mind , published in 1867 , which was widely admired , and extensively translated , revised , and enlarged in later editions .
19 But this tactic was seriously undermined by Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan at the end of 1979 , which was widely deplored among non-aligned states .
20 Moreover , the variations of phase as Venus moved around its orbit were not in accord with the Ptolemaic model of the Solar System which originated with the Greek astronomer Ptolemy ( ca. 100-ca. 170 ) a refined version of which was widely accepted in Galileo 's time .
21 The acquisition , which was widely expected , was welcomed in the City , and Pearson shares jumped up 10p to 429p .
22 In large measure , the nineteenth-century labour movement could be regarded — and regarded itself — as a continuation of the democratic movement , this continuity being expressed even in the name ‘ social democratic ’ which was widely adopted by the political parties of the working class .
23 This scheme — which was widely adopted by colonial administrations right across the continent — killed two birds with one stone : it both raised money and it produced a large labour force which had previously been occupied with growing food for their families .
24 However , much of the hostility aroused by the subcommittee 's report appeared to be directed towards the United Kingdom government , which was widely accused of failing to stand up to the Chinese over Hong Kong 's future .
25 In Byelorussia , which was widely regarded as retaining one of the most conservative republican leaderships , it had been decided to allocate a quota of reserved Supreme Soviet seats for official organizations ( a practice applied in the March 1989 elections to the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies but since labelled undemocratic and abandoned for national elections — see p. 36978 ) .
26 On May 14 the Chilean government announced that it was willing to reach an agreement with the US government to compensate the families of the victims killed or injured in the car bombing which was widely acknowledged to have been masterminded by agents of Pinochet 's DINA secret police .
27 In the immediate aftermath of the Iraqi invasion attention had shifted to Saudi Arabia , which was widely viewed as Iraq 's next potential target .
28 The case had been brought by the CDU which was widely perceived as anxious not to lose votes to the Republicans [ see below ] .
29 The Canadian Senate , which was widely perceived as being in need of reform , had possessed a solid Liberal majority as a legacy of 21 years of almost uninterrupted Liberal government which had ended in 1984 .
30 He also indicated that a principal item of his policy platform would be a review of the community charge ( poll tax ) which had been introduced in England and Wales from April 1990 and which was widely unpopular [ see p. 37329 ] .
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