Example sentences of "[pron] is happen " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly , the event will be experienced by them as a reality which is happening in the here and now and not as a replay of frightening and damaging early experiences .
2 But this is a traditional thing which is happening
3 This is only a reflection of larger areas of the church above , that 's if I may use that phrase , which is happening .
4 Now what will happen is erm , erm there are signs of which is happening abroad already , that people will go from the United States , other parts of the world , they will fly in and they will fly into Frankfurt and they will erm fly into other European erm airports and Heathrow relative to others will begin to lose it 's position , and therefore from a national point of view , from an economic point of view , it is very important that Heathrow does sort of maintain er it 's er position and nobody 's denying that this may have some sort of , erm er important erm environmental erm dis dispendant and er if stick by them if you you 're going to .
5 I AM writing on behalf of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection ( BUAV ) to ask your readers to support the Walk For Laboratory Animals which is happening on
6 Yeah which is happening
7 Well the interesting thing which is happening is that we 're getting better at preventing these things happening .
8 I mean the one fear surely is that this is n't something which is happening on a , I was going to say a small local area , that 's perhaps exaggerating but it is in a at the moment in a confined locality , we know where it is , it 's not actually here and
9 We look out from behind to the front where everything is happening .
10 I can let go , trusting that everything is happening perfectly .
11 The process snowballs , until suddenly everything is happening around their swimming-pool .
12 But something is happening in that upper panel .
13 ‘ Now we have to let people know our revival is real — that something is happening up here , ’ said Mr Palmer .
14 A short story can use a crisis , the piece of a life where something is happening .
15 Certainly , something is happening out there .
16 I am not convinced that what is going on is a ‘ compensatory ’ secondary circuit of capital parallel to industrial production , but something is happening with residential and retail land development which appears to be separate from industrial production .
17 ROS : Why ! — something is happening .
18 Right , something is happening .
19 And clearly something is happening , I mean millions of peasants are joining
20 The more intense the emotion , the more vivid the imagination and the firmer the expectation , the more likely it is to happen now , in this reality , in this lifetime .
21 The idea that it is happening elsewhere prevalent in our lives .
22 The important thing is to recognise that it is happening and take the relevant action .
23 It is happening in two main ways .
24 You stick a Frownie on the parts of the face you are most likely to screw up in pain — the forehead , the outer end of the cheekbones — so that when your face starts to contract , you will realise it is happening , and relax your features into a seraphic , line-free mask .
25 It is happening in the present , and the future can only be guessed at .
26 According to my cousin Violet , it is happening more and more in America . ’
27 At the other end of the scale they quite often roll just beneath the surface , and if the water is choppy you will not know it is happening .
28 If an outbreak of self-poisoning and self-injury starts on a ward , the staff need first to try to understand why it is happening .
29 But it is my intention to attack Famagusta before the King even suspects it is happening .
30 The egoist , like the puritan , must inhibit his immediate response in obedience to a principle : ‘ It is happening to him and not to me , I have no reason to care . ’
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