Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] eventually " in BNC.

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1 I think he hoped I might eventually add distinction to the family name , of which he was intensely proud , and his initial interest in me also developed into affection .
2 ‘ Do you think I might eventually get a taste for alcohol ? ’
3 After my operation I was told I would eventually be 100 per cent fit .
4 And I was sure that , given time and patience on my part , I would eventually emerge and flower to give a rich new dimension to our partnership .
5 ‘ Because up until then I was absolutely positive that I would eventually manage to get out of the marriage , and it was my plan to seek custody as a single person .
6 He knew I would eventually return to London and my career . ’
7 I will eventually inherit the company , and when I do — ’
8 Access to this flood of information about ourselves will eventually transform medical practice , and the first signs of this are already apparent .
9 Thus , it advocated that the Colleges of Advanced Technology should become technological universities awarding their own degrees , the National Council for Technological Awards should be replaced by the Council for National Academic Awards , the Regional Colleges of Technology should develop a wide range of advanced full-time courses , and that some of them might eventually form the nucleus of other universities or become universities in their own right .
10 But perhaps , too , we go to observe our death , prefigured in the element in which we can not survive , and which may eventually cover the earth for all time .
11 As a consequence there are books on many library shelves which may eventually have to be withdrawn , with or without litigation , not because of their content but because of their intent .
12 A honey-bee colony , which may eventually contain up to eighty thousand individuals , is founded when a young queen hatches in an existing colony and emigrates , taking half of the workers with her .
13 Here we are concerned with the basic principles , on which all else depends and which may eventually be applied to longer movements as well as to short sections .
14 The value of reports on one or two skeletons is not to serve as the basis of any theory of morphological relationships , but to provide standardized data which may eventually be built into a general picture of population at one period or through time .
15 Eleven regional electricity companies have also announced their support for the scheme , which may eventually be part funded by small surcharges on customers ' bills .
16 The model is currently being refined against a native data set to 2.3 , which should eventually allow more residues to be included in the model .
17 This continues until the list consists entirely of tableaux which have been processed , which must eventually happen since there are only finitely many possible tableaux .
18 This is why snakes can shed their skins and pursue a new start in life , while men are condemned to the one covering which must eventually wither and die .
19 One purpose of the summer exhibition is to give Renzo Piano and his team scope to experiment with a number of changes , which might eventually become permanent .
20 Many runners spend far too much time fretting about what pace they hope to run , or whether to wear gloves , while ignoring more basic details which could eventually affect their even getting to the start .
21 THE Dallas Cowboys were left raging at a refereeing decision which could eventually cost them a place in the Super Bowl .
22 The narrow European Economic Community of the 1960s is developing into a wider European Community which could eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Urals , from the Arctic Circle to the Bosphorus .
23 It further develops and tests a notational scheme for this function which could eventually become the basis of a standard in this field of practice .
24 All the East European countries stressed their commitment to the construction of market economies which could eventually replace their existing centralized systems , and all appealed for increased assistance while changes were in progress .
25 Jiri Dienstbier , the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister , proposed the establishment of a European security commission which could eventually replace the existing two alliances .
26 This practice , according to the Insurance Service , has led to a 20 per cent jump in windscreen replacement claims to insurance companies since 1 January — a rise which could eventually push up premiums .
27 Vietnam was one of the historical tragedies which would eventually follow from this insecurity .
28 Government sources said , however , that in the end it was the conditions which would eventually determine timing of British participation .
29 By contrast , the only regular ‘ supporter ’ was Kitty Little , a long-standing pro-nuclear activist whose persistent promotion of the fast breeder reactor was matched only by her equally persistent belief that the British anti-nuclear campaign was part of an international plot incorporating the Rothschilds and President Carter and which would eventually lead to the imposition of an ‘ atheist Marxist-Leninist dictatorship ’ .
30 The small community at Grasmere would be the first to experience ‘ the milder day ’ which would eventually include the whole of mankind .
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