Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] doing " in BNC.

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1 It was as if I were doing him a big favour .
2 Actually , Cole was n't proposing donations to aid agencies as the ‘ solution ’ to mass starvation any more than Stuart Weir and I were doing so a few years ago .
3 It is sometimes easier to proceed on the basis of : ‘ If I were doing the job this is how I would do it ’ , but this can be delusory even for analysts who have past experience as operators .
4 I tell it just as it happened , from where we ran up the hill almost straight into the man ; I leave out what Andy and I were doing just before , and the man 's line about dirty , perverted things .
5 And I were doing very well .
6 Paddy Ashdown and I were doing a walkabout in the main shopping precinct on the day after the election , when three small boys walked up to Paddy and asked , ‘ Ooh , are you David Rendel ? ’
7 On Thursday morning we had the ‘ criticism session ’ which appears to be a weekly ritual in the Chinese education system , but this was full of polite references to what and I were doing , followed by one or two mild suggestions about how the course could be improved .
8 That 's what I were doing , twice .
9 I noticed it when I were doing window other day
10 Well I got some foot long pruners but the branches were hitting our thing and I were doing this and , you know , and now I 've got
11 If you and I were doing it you you 'd think about a lot
12 And so that 's what I were doing you see .
13 You see if I would go back , if I were doing it , to Times Heavy Titling or one of those do it all caps forget that .
14 Whatever , the cops eventually moved on and the Englishman and I were spared the task of explaining what such an unlikely pair of lads as ourselves were doing with such a gleaming trophy .
15 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
16 However , at this new point in my life there seemed — as of course there was — nothing remarkable about what I was doing .
17 I became conscious of where I was and what I was doing so I quickly stood up and dried my eyes .
18 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
19 I had no idea what I was doing .
20 Without really being conscious of what I was doing , I ended up heading roughly north .
21 ‘ I 'm sorry , Kath , I did n't know what I was doing .
22 As I accelerated my pace I asked myself what I was doing here , and I did n't know the answer .
23 For what I was doing , on furniture , the silver burrs were extremely effective , retaining their edge .
24 He just looked at me as if to say ‘ how did you know I was doing that ? ’
25 It would be a criticism if I was doing it to impoverish myself ’ .
26 ‘ I felt I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby and I was so sure about the rightness of it all that I did n't want a scan .
27 On looking around he was staring at us , no doubt wondering what I was doing marching along with the French Commandos .
28 I was afraid that I was doing something wrong .
29 And that meant a lot to me at the time because all the paintings I was doing were subjects from my childhood years .
30 As a film like Scandal , which dealt with the Profumo affair , might make young people go back and check out more about what was happening in the early sixties , so I was doing the same in terms of the fifties .
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