Example sentences of "[art] eye [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So the sent me to the er eye infirmary and of course the eye infirmary sent me to the blind school .
2 It becomes just two fingers in the eye type of thing .
3 Thus to the eye fracture appears to be instantaneous .
4 ‘ Señor Gracias give heem the eye black . ’
5 Consider , for example , the eye spots on the front wings of a peacock butterfly .
6 We can suggest that the eye spots scare off predators , and there is some evidence that this is so .
7 But even if this adaptive explanation is correct , it does not tell us how the eye spots are made .
8 When threatened by a predator , the butterfly opens and closes its wings rapidly , flashing the eye spots , in order to frighten the predator away .
9 As I say , it 's that mechanical movement that catches the eye globe slowly turning round and the
10 The sixties look adopted by Betty Boo and by Deee-Lite 's Lady Miss Kier is visible in the eye kohl , the bodysuits and the dark , straight hair curled at the ends .
11 The eye rewards and punishes —
12 That is why , only last year , we were involved in the eye awareness campaign with the profession to draw attention to the importance of people ensuring that their eyesight is checked .
13 Misunderstandings about the nature of the recordings contributed to some confusion in the early 1960s about whether the eye movements of dreaming sleep did or did not actually follow the action of the dream .
14 After watching the eye movements of subjects during REM sleep , and then obtaining reports from them of intense visual imagery , it seems only natural to assume that one has something to do with the other .
15 The high correlation of bursts of rapid eye movements with intense dreaming tended to encourage early investigators in their impression that the eye movements were following the actions of 70–80 per cent of vivid dreams.19 However , when blind matches of EOG records with dream narratives have been made simply on the basis of written evidence and the polygraphic record , matching of reports to records has been no better than chance .
16 Third , attempts to map the eye movements directly on to the reported dreams ( in terms of direction of gaze , and so on ) have been dogged by the problem of actually measuring the position of the eyes using standard EEC equipment .
17 One observation is essential to the construction of a GP box and that is the location of the vanishing point for diagonals of the squared plan grid , VPd , on the eye level .
18 Leonardo de Vinci fourteen , Middlesex Street in London has a very famous market lends its name to the street it 's Petticoat Lane question fifteen , which of them is not a bone , okay , we , we asked you which of these is not a bone , a femur , a patella , radius , cornea or temporal , the one is cornea , that 's part , that 's part of the eye question sixteen , which country is the world 's leading coffee producer ?
19 Instead of lawn … ruler-straight path … shrubs ( all of which can be taken in at a single glance , and are as individual as frozen pizzas ) , why not make the eye work ?
20 The words are easily accepted as an appropriate dress to clothe a perfectly abstract thought , yet throughout Descartes ' philosophy , as Schon says , ‘ it suggests itself that intuition is displaced seeing ; the ‘ clarity and distinctness ' ’ of ideas is a displaced clarity of objects ; and the light of reason is a displaced theory of the eye , the eye of the mind , containing covertly the ancient doctrine that the eye projects .
21 Long column headings must be abbreviated or made multi-line so that the eye travel for lateral comparisons is not excessive and to avoid the need to present a table side-on .
22 Her husband Reggie was not a strong believer , and it was only at his persistent insistence that Joyce sought medical advice on the eye cancer which eventually led to her death .
23 Sarah Bamber , 19 , company secretary ( left ) , and Jason Boore , 21 , engineer ( near left ) : ‘ I do n't think the hair 's really me but the eye make-up is very striking .
24 Seema Dewitt , 19 , sales assistant ( left ) : ‘ I like the eye make-up . ’
25 Jane had to master the eye make-up of the day .
26 Harvey laughed and said , ‘ Elevator shoes , contact lenses to change the eye colour , dirtied fingernails and a trace of colouring on the lips to make the face seem pale .
27 If it still remains uncomfortable , then we , then we need to have a closer look and we may need to get the eye specialist involved if it 's refused to settle down .
28 So the self under the eye lies ,
29 Look me in the eye Goldberg and tell me whether that picture was any good .
30 Flashing on terminals all over Japan , he disseminates his latest data through modem , warning other otaku on the Eye Net computer network to be on the lookout for some poser named Batman pushing stale info .
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