Example sentences of "[art] reason that " in BNC.

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1 Thus , protestant loyalists fight incorporation into a united Ireland for the reason that their perception of protestantism and their values of polity contain a powerful rejection of catholic monopoly , which they identify with catholicism tout court .
2 He replied , ‘ The reason that does in fact bring people to secluded places . ’
3 The reason that Hollywood keeps selling all its film companies to the Australians , the Japanese , and so on , is to prevent them falling into the hands of people from New York . ’
4 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
5 Men , of course , would not make friends with a single mother for the reason that men do not make friends .
6 Francesca 's much publicized affair with Senator Michael O'Brien was the reason that she had been sent home rather early from a tour of duty in the Embassy in Washington , over a year previously , just before he had met her in London .
7 The spectre of quotas was the reason that businessmen gave for opposing the civil-rights bill the president vetoed last October .
8 The reason that sales have not boomed is that many customers have been disappointed at what robots do for them .
9 But the reason that market researchers have been thrown a baby-boomerang by this goes beyond rising divorce rates and smaller families .
10 In an extreme case , someone may act on them for the reason that , or on the principle that , ‘ a little bit of what you fancy does you good ’ .
11 This incidence of fog is the reason that Linate has such a notorious reputation for re-routed flights .
12 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
13 The reason that they stick almost exclusively to the pubic region is , appropriately , a sexual one .
14 Perhaps the reason that tail shapes have wrongly received so much attention in the past is that they are the most obviously visible difference between boards .
15 The reason that it 's able to hide that fact is the idea that it 's a creative industry .
16 Casters are the better of the two for the reason that they sink and remain still on the bottom until they are eaten .
17 The reason that my mother continued to patronise Woodfords , whilst surrounded by Salisbury bakers , went back to 1857 , when the founder of the firm canvassed door to door in Salisbury and happened to call on my great-grandmother in Rollestone Street .
18 It was probably the reason that the young Julie had been such a complete tomboy .
19 I doubt it myself , for the reason that introduced the words ‘ as far as it goes ’ above : the book simply leaves out of account the most important recent developments which foretell a revolution in the measurement and understanding of intelligence .
20 The reason that so many clues are needed is because they are chaotic and unreliable .
21 This is probably the reason that the molecule forms two new bonds when it reacts with a hydrocarbon , one with carbon and one with hydrogen .
22 The reason that a widening direction is included is because it is very easy for a narrowing to occur while the lengthening process is taking place .
23 The foregoing would , of course , mean that property rights were not for the dispensation of some imagined ‘ god ’ of early superstitious religion , but existed by virtue of the fact that human beings have , in the course of time , generally agreed that such a right was ‘ good ’ , for the reason that without it there could be no peaceful existence and no contentment .
24 He claimed later that he had done so for the reason that a few months earlier he had sold a stallion to Dunlop which had died within a few weeks and that his motive had been to recompense Dunlop for his loss .
25 Tyler felt that the only explanation was that the sites were all points in some widespread pattern , that there was a sanctity to the sites and that this was the reason that they were marked in ancient times .
26 To do that would be an achievement because at present the unchartable wilderness of trees seemed as unstable a nowhere as a cloudless sky or as fields under a carpet of snow , a world in which they might go round and round , and from which they might never emerge , a world in which there was no point in going anywhere for the reason that there simply was … nowhere .
27 It is not so much the fact that she was consequently unable to vote for her father 's party , or , any other party for that matter , that I find so diverting as the reason that The Daily Telegraph gives for her binning her poll application material .
28 The reason that vixen killed your bantams is because it 's nature .
29 passing the questioning to the Mountie bridged the void neatly , and the Mountie told us that the reason that Steve , Angelica 's business manager , also her lover , had not turned up at Toronto station was because he too was dead , struck down in his apartment by blows to the head with a mallet .
30 The reason that knowing is different from guessing or dreaming is that knowledge implies an unspoken submission to what is real or thought to be real .
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