Example sentences of "[art] lot [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er Lot number three Lot number three the Canton trays there we are there we 've got a sample showing for you Lot number three , there are seven of them in the Lot all seven of them for a hundred and fifty pounds at one hundred and fifty , sixty , seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty , forty , sixty two eighty I 'm offered two hundred and eighty pounds you 're on three hundred for you sir three hun three twenty three fifty , three eighty go to four hundred four twenty four fifty four eighty five hundred and fifty and you bet against you both now five hundred and fifty is offered against you both now , five fifty five hundred and fifty pounds .
2 Not every day like we used to just after her accident , but quite a lot all the same .
3 Do you think we 're doing a lot all in one go ?
4 ‘ I learnt a lot that night and think I 'm a better fighter for it . ’
5 What a lot that tells us about the Treasury .
6 There is after all not a lot that sets franchise outlets apart from other businesses .
7 ‘ It helped a lot that last summer was n't a hot one so the demand was that much lower . ’
8 Basically , there is not a lot that former barrow boy Sugar can do .
9 It has to be said there is a lot that is queasily smug about this English answer to the US ‘ reunion ’ movie The Big Chill , substituting the products of Oxbridge Eighties ambition and greed for Sixties radicalism gone sour .
10 She said she believes she knows who shot the cat , but has been told by police that unless there were witnesses there was not a lot that could be done .
11 Overall , there was a lot that was missing .
12 He spoke of it a lot that evening : not to bring home to her all he 'd done but rather because it 'd been perhaps the biggest single event in his ( now rather dull ) life .
13 That group progressed quite a lot that year , from being almost unteachable in the beginning , to being at least teachable , and I was getting some fair work out of them … but it was very time consuming .
14 She does get through quite a lot that 's true .
15 There is a lot that is very far from funny about the Taurus episode .
16 Well that 's we 've got quite a lot that 's that 's brilliant .
17 because she was in pain again in had it strapped up again said come and see me in a week see if it 's any better but erm she 's injured it but not er you know it 's obviously she ca n't move it a lot that way which is what 's effecting her , but mind you once she gets back on her bike again , as it 's cold weather
18 Not a lot that black box , give it a white switch , no there 's a white switch at the bottom , no , on , in front , behind the , that 's it .
19 What a lot those painted eyes must have seen !
20 and really , I mean you know , you can talk about male , female bias as much as you like but there 's an awful of actresses , and not , you know , a lot fewer actors and a lot better parts for men .
21 ‘ Alaska has a lot fewer , but larger , assets than XEU but there has been a major reorganisation there , ’ he says .
22 One can reasonably say that British opera-goers in 1945 knew a lot fewer works than their modern counterparts and knew them , by and large , in less good and faithful performances .
23 These originated in Northern Italy , where the pasta is traditionally flat and where they use a lot more egg and cream in their cooking .
24 ‘ There are a lot more youngsters with the problem than I thought there were .
25 Employee fundraising appears to be an increasingly popular option and whilst it involves a lot more work than a straight donation it has the ability to generate longer term grass roots support amongst employees .
26 It eventually saved a year 's tyre wear on the Class 317s , and meant a lot more string and sticky tape on the clapped-out DMUs .
27 ‘ Had that not happened we would 've had a lot more people at the rally .
28 But he stressed : ‘ It 's only an idea , not a proposal , and it needs a lot more work . ’
29 Elaine gets a lot more help than many disabled people , and some would say she is lucky not to be in residential care .
30 All they are doing is making a lot more money out of a lot more misery . ’
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