Example sentences of "[art] trade [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Then they came for the Trades Unionists — and we said nothing .
2 Inspector : I must warn that you may be liable under the Trades Descriptions Act .
3 It is fascinating to study the way that they bent the truth to promote a saleable product , yet even if the Trades Descriptions Act had been in force then , they would hardly ever have broken the law .
4 Fortuitously , its very title makes the short version acceptable under the Trades Descriptions Act !
5 Prosecuting manufacturers of pseudo-vitamins under the Trades Descriptions Act is difficult , a spokesman for the Department of Trade told New Scientist .
6 The irony was that in normal circumstances she would have insisted on seeing a working installation of a new product if only to satisfy herself that whatever she wrote would n't infringe the Trades Descriptions Act .
7 BRIAN Thomas Jackson , of Danek Motors in Darlington , last week admitted three charges under the Trades Descriptions Act .
8 There was a bit in the paper today about er Ratners , in the Samuels outlet selling carriage clocks for three hundred pounds and claiming that they are solid mahogany cases , but as they 're chipboard with a mahogany veneer , and er they 've been had by the Trades Descriptions Act , three , who would pay three hundred pounds for a mahogany one anyway ?
9 This he effected by intervention in the local state on ground cleared by the trades boards , the attempted decasualisation of dock labour , and the use of local authority workforces to promote more radical demands on the national state for solutions to crises experienced in local economies .
10 ‘ I must stress that the involvement of armed forces , the police and the voluntary services will cease once the trades unions agree , as they did two weeks ago , to provide normal accident and emergency service ’ .
11 Nevertheless , it was obvious that the impetus which the trades unions had gained would lead to conflict with the government once attempts were made , by government and employers alike to remove the wartime regulations and return to the competitive situation of the pre-war world .
12 The Tories have been unsuccessful in their attempts to focus public attention on a range of other matters of varying importance , including Europe , defence , the Falklands , the trades unions , immigration — not forgetting moments of tactical madness such as the party 's press conference on animal welfare .
13 It tried to introduce laws against the trades unions .
14 I must be careful here , for while the provision for community education in Scotland is generally more advanced at the level of local authority involvement than in the areas of the USA which I visited , and while organisations such as the Trades Unions , the WEA and others do much to orchestrate various adult education projects , there is nothing which approaches the ‘ schools for problems ’ which Highlander provides .
15 Trade Unions had become united in the Trades Unions Congress and at a meeting in 1899 , it was agreed to call a special conference on political representation of Labour , and that led to the foundation of the labour political party at the turn of the century .
16 Therefore , the choice the Labour Party must face is either to transform its structure into a membership party of an equal democratic form , separate from ( but maintaining informal association with ) the trades unions , or to be stifled by its history , losing what may be the last opportunity to become a party of regeneration and progress .
17 Paul Thompson ( 1967 ) sees the triumph of Labour as a constructive coalescence of the mature proletarian class consciousness which emerged with the displacement of small-scale production and an effective LLP , while Julia Bush ( 1978 ) , concentrating on the experience of East London , argues that during the first world war socialist activity and the growing confidence and strength of the trades unions enabled the LLP to establish a solid base which it exploited to the full when hostilities ceased .
18 Although alliances with producer groups such as the trades unions may be sought , the absence of independent industrial muscle renders them , in Bachrach and Baratz 's terms , ‘ influential ’ rather then ‘ powerful ’ .
19 The Trades Unions
20 It is apparent that the influence of the trades unions was highly significant , both at the level of negotiations with individual employers and through their influence on government policy .
21 The trades unions at France Telecom were less circumspect , declaring themselves ‘ betrayed ’ by the new minister , Gerard Longuet .
22 The debate was inflamed by rumours of Bolshevik backing for the Labour party and the publication of the so-called Zinoviev Letter , in which the Communist International instructed its British members to infiltrate the Labour party and the trades unions .
23 By 1917 Unionists had more cause to fear than to rejoice , for the Labour movement had been greatly strengthened by the war in both its aspects ; increasing membership and growing militancy in the trades unions , growing confidence in the Labour party , the arrival of organized revolutionary extremism in the shop-stewards " movement all pointed to a grim future .
24 Erhard concentrated on a policy of low taxes , a stable currency and liberal trade , but an important element in West Germany 's success was the co-operation of workers and the trades unions .
25 The Trades Unions themselves were not necessarily pleased with ‘ co-determination ’ since the policy tended to reduce the Union 's role and make workers less militant , but co-determination showed that all classes in Germany could share in the benefits of the ‘ social market ’ , helped create good industrial relations and reduced the danger of deep class-based divisions between the CDU and SPD .
26 Unemployment payments led to increased government spending and the trades unions wanted to tackle West Germany 's problems by higher wages to stimulate demand , and shorter hours and a lower retirement age to ease unemployment .
27 They became active in the trades unions and increasingly militant .
28 Regarding workplace politics , much has been written about the trades unions in the Dukeries , because of the dramatic events that occurred in Nottinghamshire in the aftermath of the 1926 General Strike .
29 Obtain the support of the most senior person in the Company and also of the Trades Unions .
30 Whilst accepting the need to continue and improve service provision to all sections of the community , the Regional Council and the trades unions have agreed that all reasonably practicable steps should be taken to identify and minimise the risk of violence to employees .
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