Example sentences of "[art] job i " in BNC.

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1 And they made it clear that I was extremely fortunate to be doing the job I do .
2 Wharton said : ‘ It is something that I must overcome , I had trained for 12 rounds and was thinking of the crowd instead of doing the job I was in the ring to do . ’
3 The job I do can be somewhat intrusive at times .
4 ‘ This is n't the part of the job I enjoy most , I 'll admit that , ’ Bragg said curtly .
5 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
6 While I have to do the job I 'll do it properly .
7 That 's one part of the job I have always found tricky . ’
8 The job I have for you will entail a clear eye and a steady hand . ’
9 My dress — I looked like the other people employed in the job I applied for .
10 ‘ But it is not affecting me to have to do the job I have been given .
11 They took away what was important , the job I could do .
12 Ca n't be certain , but it looks as if Allied Signal Corp chief executive Lawrence Bossidy has ruled himself out of the running for the top job at IBM Corp : he says that although he is ‘ flattered to be mentioned as a candidate for chairman of another company , I intend to remain at Allied-Signal to complete the job I came here to do . ’
13 I really can not come to terms with the fact that I am … there 's lots of interesting work to do — there was in the job I did — and I want so much to identify with that rather than just sit back here and say ‘ I 'm a housewife and I 'm happy ’ … because I could n't be .
14 I intended to resign at the A.G.M. due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area before the next A.G.M. but since no-one else wanted the job I agreed to remain chairman for as long as I could .
15 I had agonised over its content , discussing it with Caroline , my wife , who knew the reservations I had over the job I was doing .
16 doing the job I would be doing .
17 It took me all my self-control not to turn round from the job I was doing until she had stopped and was ready for applause .
18 Och , aye , because I actually dropped twenty pound coming from the spooling to the job I 'm doing just now .
19 I mean before you used to have your own , your own , like the job I 'm , I was started for I 've got sweep all the floor , the place where we work .
20 And I like the job I 've got now .
21 Because of our volunteer system and our love of the job I think we always succeeded in this aim .
22 My qualifications for the job I leave to you . "
23 The job I found him was an undemanding clerical one .
24 ‘ Even if it 's the job I want to discuss with you ? ’
25 ‘ Oh , because … well , naturally when I took the job I did n't realise that I would come to dislike him so much .
26 It seems you have me weighed up , categorised and pigeon-holed all on the basis of the job I do . ’
27 Again my mind wandered from my polishing and back onto the job I would be doing in a few hours .
28 It 's just a hobby I really enjoy , journalism is the job I really want to do and you never know drama could come in handy one day !
29 But if you 'd like to give Doreen the job I 'd — I 'd quite understand . ’
30 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
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