Example sentences of "[art] study of " in BNC.

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1 The study of Oriental art in the West has fared less well .
2 A firm basis for the study of Oriental art came more slowly , and as we shall see , some of the differences of approach between East and West still require wider recognition .
3 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
4 These short studies are in part historical , but partly art criticism ; the study of Leinberger is particularly relevant , as it comments both on an encounter with a sculpture and the problems of reading about it .
5 One of Morelli 's youthful students was Bernard Berenson , whom Morelli described in 1890 as ‘ an extraordinarily scholarly young man who had already advanced far in the study of art ’ .
6 I eventually described the discipline of anthropology to certain colleagues as ‘ the study of old bones , prehistory , and human evolution you know ; David Attenborough and all that ’ .
7 He described the study of precedent and case law as being ‘ real academic activity ’ for police officers , thus supporting my contention that research into the philosophy of control is ‘ unreal ’ or polluting .
8 At this time the father dedicates his son to the study of the Torah or to the rabbinate .
9 It implies , of course , that as long as they have the right kind of causal relations , other machines , apart from brains , can possess mentality ; and it also implies that the study of artificial intelligence and computational modelling is the royal road to understanding mentality .
10 This weakness must become more severe as we move from investigating relatively simple sensory and motor processes to the study of high level cognitive processes .
11 Clinical neuropsychology involves the study of the effects of brain injury on human behaviour .
12 The functionalist approach to the study of mind characterizes much of the work currently being done in cognitive psychology , artificial intelligence and linguistics .
13 Sufficient time is not always given to the study of the basic principles and the proper spacing and placing of the movements .
14 The study of propagation is one of the important aspects of radio comms activity .
15 In the recent history of British culture the study of English Literature in secondary and tertiary education comprised a recognizable form of life , principled but not theoretical .
16 The series aimed to introduce to English readers la nouvelle critique and literary theory , along with associated areas such as linguistics , translation , and the study of mass culture .
17 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
18 Gardner , like other Oxford Anglicans , resisted ‘ the religious and missionary approach to the study of literature evident in the Newbolt report and the Cambridge pioneers .
19 In principle it would be quite possible for the study of English poetry to begin in a similar ab initio fashion , except that it would be fruitless for someone to embark on it who did not have at least some familiarity with poetry and a wish to read more .
20 This is because the study of poetry as poetry — rather than as historical or cultural material — is a matter of intuitive and affective response , not just of willingness to accept an intellectual discipline , as might be the case with philosophy , economics , and so forth .
21 There is an emerging belief that the study of ‘ literature as literature ’ needs to be replaced by , or incorporated into , a form of cultural studies .
22 And turning away from calls to battle and the accompanying rise in blood pressure , it seems reasonable for teachers of literature to go on teaching what they have been trained to teach , and what they like , understand , and are familiar with , without also having to take on many varieties of history — intellectual , cultural , political , social , economic , artistic , and musical — not to mention sociology , the study of popular culture , including the merest graffito , and , inevitably , literary theory .
23 Cultural Studies would be visibly plural and fragmented , involving the study of literary texts , alongside others in history , philosophy , politics , sociology , film , and other disciplines .
24 Most importantly , it would also include exercises in composition , of the kind once common in the study of classics .
25 There would be general agreement that maps of County Sligo and County Galway are essential aids to the study of Yeats .
26 The study of 1,544 secondary schools in 43 local education authorities in England and Wales shows 882 schools will lose nearly £55m between them annually — an average of £62,663 .
27 Howell was a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society , and he gave unstinting service to the promotion of the study of British history in the United States .
28 His service in the Royal Artillery in the Second World War took him to the Middle East , and there he was able to develop his interest in military architecture through the study of the citadel at Damascus , and the siege of the crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers .
29 His spare time was devoted to the study of the castle , in which he was ably assisted by Clifford Perks , his former collaborator on several papers , and later by Mark Cheshire , a former pupil .
30 Daresbury Laboratory , near Runcorn , Cheshire , has Europe 's largest and Britain 's only source of synchrotron radiation ( SRS ) — vital to the study of protein crystals and the development of drugs to combat diseases such as Aids .
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