Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] be " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 14 the EC 's European Parliament again requested and the Commission on Feb. 20 agreed that the ECJ be asked for a new opinion on the agreement .
2 Although Sharir did not confirm his defection until April 7 , Peres informed President Chaim Herzog on April 4 that he had succeeded in gaining a majority and intended to request that the Knesset be reconvened from its Passover recess for a vote of confidence .
3 The news has been welcomed by environmentalists including Greenpeace , who have recommended that the Okavango be protected as a World Heritage site .
4 In the 1926 General Strike Winston Churchill had proposed that the BBC be commandeered .
5 It then requests that the DC(s) be activated via the specified package to allow the referenced modules to be changed .
6 Given a package name and a list of DCs , the procedure PI_ACTIVATE_DCS will request that the DCs be activated via the specified package .
7 On the same Conditions yearly as she was keepd the two Last years , He being obliged to ffit her up without Loss of time sufficient in Sails , Rigging & others needfull , And to raise her two planks in the Upper Work , And that the Cabine be raised Accordingly , And that there bees four Beds in said Cabine properly furnished . "
8 On the same Conditions yearly as she was keepd the two Last years , He being obliged to ffit her up without Loss of time sufficient in Sails , Rigging & others needfull , And to raise her two planks in the Upper Work , And that the Cabine be raised Accordingly , And that there bees four Beds in said Cabine properly furnished . "
9 The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran radio station accused the West of double standards for not demanding that the IAEA be permitted to mount a similar inspection visit to Israel .
10 A joint commission was also to be established to discuss with the United States government the proposal in June by President George Bush that the Americas be made a free-trade zone [ see p. 37526 ] .
11 The Security Council had adopted Resolution 777 on Sept. 19 by 12 votes to none with three abstentions ( China , India and Zimbabwe ) , recommending that the FRY be asked to reapply to join the UN .
12 Given a DC identifier , the procedure PI_SUBMIT_DC will request that the DC be submitted in LIFESPAN for assessment by affected users .
13 It then requests that the DC be submitted in LIFESPAN for assessment by affected users .
14 It then requests that the DC be assessed ( for the logged on user ) with his comments .
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