Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] arise " in BNC.

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1 He makes an inventory of forms , but not of contexts in which the forms arise — this would be a very difficult task as the forms often overlap and can cause confusion to the learner .
2 The problems associated with the battle of the forms arise because the common law principles governing the formation of contracts are based on the concept of a bargain arrived at through a process of negotiation , while the whole purpose of standard conditions is to minimise or exclude the process of negotiation .
3 A letter to The Times of 1923 , for example , drew attention to ‘ the dangers arising from the Americanization of the British Empire from the excessive number of American motion pictures shown ’ , but things came to a head in 1924 .
4 Whilst there is so much contrary scientific opinion with regard to the dangers arising from asbestos dust , it is difficult to understands the IDA 's reliance upon the opinions of Professor McDonald when it is known that he derives a large share of his research funds from the asbestos industry itself .
5 The lives of countless millions of people have been made a misery through the conflicts arising from prejudice .
6 The King 's Fund report highlighted the conflicts arising from pharmaceutical companies paying general practitioners to conduct post-marketing surveillance of drugs without this stage being vetted by a research ethics committee .
7 The NUM 's main trouble with the courts arose over actions brought by its own members on the grounds that the union had broken its own rules ( over a pre-strike ballot ) and for contempt .
8 The debts arose out of a ten million pound plan to build a village to care for the elderly in the grounds of the convent .
9 The debts arose out of a ten million pound plan to build a village to care for the elderly in the grounds of the convent .
10 It expressed particular concern over the debts arising from investments in east Germany which will absorb an extra Dm180 billion ( £63 billion ) this year , a rise of 30 p.c. over 1991 .
11 Many of the projects arose not just because they seemed to be suitable topics for academic research , but at the direct instigation of teachers or sometimes students .
12 We have used social network in two ways within the research : first , as a quantitative speaker variable and , second , as an interpretative category , and its use in the projects arises from our interest in exploring these community norms .
13 In the course of a Second Reading Debate on the contentious Courts and Legal Services Bill in December 1989 , Lord Hailsham spoke scathingly about the fact that the bulk of the proposals arose from within the Government machine , so disregarding ‘ almost every principle of the methodology … which ought to be followed in law reform ’ .
14 However , the proposals arise at a time when we are beginning to put in place the policy of care in the community , as enunciated in our White Paper ’ Caring for People ’ .
15 In many of the cases arising out of homelessness , local authorities have sought to interpret their statutory obligations narrowly .
16 That evidence will surely mount if Mr Hurd fails to cause to be reviewed the convictions in the cases arising out of the Birmingham and Guildford bombings , bombings whose victims should not be allowed to include anyone wrongfully imprisoned for them .
17 In addition , many of those who have had their homes repossessed are now being chased by building societies and banks for the short-falls arising after the sale of their homes , many of which are being sold for less than the mortgage owing on them .
18 If a writer or composer signs an ‘ at source ’ deal , they should receive the negotiated percentages of the royalties arising in foreign territories in tact .
19 It is important that we introduce recycling initiatives that are environmentally friendly ; give , where necessary , a reduction in emissions ; and generate electricity where the opportunities arise .
20 AS SUMMER comes in and the demand for ice cream increases so the opportunities arise for the vendors to overcharge , especially when parents are treating their children .
21 The European Court has stated that the concept of abuse is to be assessed by determining whether an undertaking in a dominant position ‘ has made use of the opportunities arising out of its dominant position in such a way as to reap trading benefits which it would not have reaped if there had been normal and sufficiently effective competition ’ .
22 look out for the opportunities arising from meeting children 's special needs , to open up discussions about ways to improve the curricular experiences for all children in the future .
23 Experts on RAF airfield history and architecture were consulted and a commercial study was launched as to the opportunities arising from conservation of the site .
24 In the quarrels arising from the ‘ Kensington system ’ established by Sir John Conroy [ q.v. ] , comptroller of the duchess 's household , the princess was an unhappy pawn .
25 Fears about the future of the units arose because North Essex Health Consortium is threatening to cut the trust 's budget for the coming financial year .
26 Another group of plants adopting a similar strategy to the cycads arose at about the same time .
27 The demands arise from the particular tasks that lexicographers undertake from time to time , and are predictable only in overall terms .
28 The unions were initially caught on the hop , because the disputes arose on the shop floor where few if any formal union representatives worked .
29 The doubts arise not from any ambiguity about whom el-Kefevi intends the statement to apply to , since it clearly relates to Molla Yegan , but simply from the suspiciously close coincidence of the circumstances of , and the wording of the statements about , the deaths of the two men .
30 The order of the day 's observances being immutable , whoever fell ill and whoever defaulted , the bell for Matins sounded in the dortoir as it did every midnight , and the brothers arose and went sleepily down the night stairs into the church .
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