Example sentences of "[prep] bringing his " in BNC.

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1 There were alarming stories from a French colleague who had first been made to pay an exorbitant " import duty " for bringing his film stock into the country — and then , on his eventual departure , three times as much again for " export duty " because , it was argued , exposed film was clearly much more valuable than virgin film .
2 Well , maybe it would be a reason for bringing his marriage forward .
3 In any event , and this is the real answer , Bismarck had not yet given up hope of bringing his scheme to a successful conclusion and even though it seemed difficult to envisage just how this could be done , he waited for his moment .
4 Could it be that he was aware of Van Butchell 's intentions and saw this as a means of bringing his technique to the notice of the public , being able , at the same time , to lay any charge of indecency at Van Butchell 's door , if it arose ?
5 Seymour Cray is still hopeful of bringing his crippled Cray Computer Corp safely in to land , and this week told shareholders that the pay-off will come not with the Cray-3 , but with the Cray-4 the company is developing — ‘ People who predict that things ca n't be done — I guess I do n't have time for them , ’ he told shareholders sternly — ‘ That 's the challenge that I 'm willing to accept in trying to do things that ca n't be done ’ ; the Cray-3 was launched last month , a decade after Cray started work on it , but the Cray-4 is expected to offer twice the performance at half the cost , and the company hopes to demonstrate it by year-end ; it says it has enough cash to fund operations into September and says it is working with two investment banking firms on fund-raising strategies .
6 On nomination Ivan Cooper ( SDLP ) described himself as Averill Ivan Cooper which had the effect of bringing his name above that of DH Cooper ( Alliance ) on the ballot paper .
7 But John-William — who always knew to the very minute — was engaged in the happy task of bringing his daughter to church to be married .
8 This gives him an opportunity of bringing his appointed representatives together to discuss sales opportunities , the marketplace , and provides an ideal opportunity for an exchange of ideas .
9 An English High Court Judge today took the highly unusual step of bringing his Court to Scotland .
10 In exile and under attack … the princess Draupadi in The Mahabharata The realm of grand illusion TELEVISION : Hugh Hebert and Michael Billington consider Peter Brook 's achievement in bringing his production of The Mahabharata , the longest poem in the world , to the screen .
11 By contrast , although the plaintiff in O'Reilly v. Mackman had also delayed well beyond the Ord. 53 time limit in bringing his claim , this delay would have caused no undue problem for the respondent .
12 It was urged that , if this construction were adopted , a solicitor would have a shorter time during which he may abstain from bringing his action for work done than the rest of Her Majesty 's subjects .
13 He was far too intrusive on his own , without bringing his sister and nephew into it .
14 But Sisson , in addition to bringing his story up to date with a final chapter , interjects halfway through a lengthy segment on his war .
15 As the Nissan driver concentrated on bringing his car into the fuel window , prior to the final handover to Bailey , Schlesser also caught him in spite of his reduced performance .
16 Maxwell senior wants to concentrate on bringing his new purchase , the New York Daily News , back to life .
17 The horse finds balance by bringing his hocks underneath him and also uses this means for brakes and acceleration .
18 Seth had been defeated by Horus but took legal action to establish his claim to the throne of Osiris by bringing his case before the nine gods of Heliopolis .
19 As soon as the block is instigated , the attacker switches his attack by bringing his right leg down into a sweep position , directly behind the defender 's leading foot .
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