Example sentences of "[prep] telling the " in BNC.

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1 She was reported after telling the girl 's school what had happened .
2 After telling the driver to take them to the marina , he climbed in beside her .
3 After telling the King of his new-found resolve to meet Parliament , Baldwin added that he was ‘ absolutely opposed ’ to Coalition .
4 After telling the waiting world that Germans , Americans , Dutch and Scandanavians are most forthright and explicit ; that the Japanese , British Italians and French are the vaguest and most subtle ; and that the British , Americans , Dutch and Scandanavians are most informal and jokey , the guide goes on to warn : ‘ Do n't treat anyone as a stereotype ’ .
5 Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , judges must be satisfied that the child is of sufficient intelligence to justify the reception of the evidence and understands the duty of telling the truth .
6 He still has many supporters , though , among the Western press , who considered him to be one of the few UN bureaucrats with a habit of telling the truth .
7 Meese began the interview with his usual little speech underlining the importance of telling the truth , not putting a good spin on anything to protect the President . ’
8 It 's not that I am fearful of telling the truth , but the reader might be offended .
9 Whatever this is about , there 'll be a great deal of pleasure to be got out of telling the tale around afterward .
10 In a nearly cloudless country such as Egypt observation of the sun was a useful way of telling the time and it is therefore not surprising that the earliest known solar clock has been found there .
11 As Southern has remarked , this passage , only part of which I have quoted , illustrates the difficulties encountered in those days of telling the time and Walcher 's anxiety for precision in seeking to establish the exact correlation between the phases of the moon and the solar calendar .
12 One of the boys in the group was in the process of telling the landlord a joke .
13 Also known as ‘ mass clocks ’ they offered a means of telling the time for church services : an appropriately placed stick cast a shadow on the hour-scale .
14 Instead of telling the silly tart to go and put some knickers on , as you or I would have done , these guys go all sweaty and hot under the collar , and stare at her , gobsmacked and embarrassed .
15 Except my agent had a will of sponge , so instead of telling the charity committee to go take a bath in some sulphuric acid , I 'd find myself trekking off to Bodmin to give my all for the local branch of the Cats ' Protection League .
16 We are readily persuaded to postpone any criticisms we may have of his mode of telling the story , and the next two lines make it clear that the tale is only there to bring out a moral .
17 ‘ Somehow , we had to come up with a method of telling the body that it was daytime when it thought it was nightime and vice versa , ’ he says .
18 There are many ways of telling the Divine Drama .
19 With eyes open and face smiling she appears to be unaware of the grave-clothes ; it is as if the sculptor added them against orders , his way of telling the viewer that this attractive lady was now dead .
20 Certainly the references to truth and falsehood can be taken at the simple level of telling the truth and avoiding lies .
21 Kiwi manager Ian Taylor took the unprecedented step of telling the world what had happened because he wanted the ICC to investigate Pakistan .
22 The great game of cricket is now in danger of becoming the sport in which everyone is frightened of telling the truth .
23 The longer , undulating trilling of the little stint was then the easiest way of telling the two species apart .
24 She also sought , of course , the more usual and natural means of escape and fantasy , such as the watching of advertisements , the reading of fiction , and the spinning of self-indulgent romances , but her experience of life as a child was so narrow that she had no way of telling the possible from the absurd .
25 Dream interpretation had been widely practised in the ancient world , but since Christian theologians could establish no way of telling the difference between divine and demonic dreams , divination of any sort was pronounced heretical .
26 She looked at him for a moment as if weighing up the consequences of telling the truth for once .
27 The reason the process of telling the truth seems less complicated than I 've said is simply that we are n't conscious of most of the mental processes I 've been describing .
28 Then I looked at him and he looked quickly away , James who was incapable of telling the simplest lie without making a hash of it .
29 If they respectfully withdraw from involvement in village affairs they find themselves branded as ‘ stand-offish ’ or ‘ jumped-up ’ ; if they participate fully in the life of the village they are accused of ‘ taking over ’ and of telling the local inhabitants how to run their own community .
30 Victor had no intention of telling the boss-man his wife would n't speak to him .
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