Example sentences of "[prep] nothing on " in BNC.

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1 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
2 Among those to achieve notoriety was US assistant secretary of state George McGhee ( the fact that he had been a Rhodes scholar seemingly counted for nothing on either side ) .
3 One can easily produce evidence at the present day of great local abundance ( e.g. of starfish or pilchards ) , but I know of nothing on a modern sea-floor to compare with the abundance plus wide distribution of the examples just mentioned .
4 Cranston , who was frightened of nothing on two legs , seemed terrified of his little lady wife .
5 ‘ Bizarre structure : like nothing on earth . ’
6 It looks like smoked salmon and tastes like nothing on earth , but I gave it her the day before his next ward round .
7 You look like nothing on God 's earth . ’
8 Some resembled camels , some looked like nothing on earth ( today ) , or like weird chimeras of modern animals .
9 As soon as I drink wine I next morning I feel like nothing on earth .
10 I should think he looked like nothing on earth did he ?
11 Dolly also slept soundly , with nothing on her conscience and her ankle at blissful rest .
12 Like : What do you call a pig that runs around with nothing on ? — Streaky bacon !
13 Up in her booth , a puzzled DJ stares at a machine with nothing on it , shrugs and puts on a current hit to get things moving once again .
14 What the hell 's it good going with nothing on it ?
15 Mind you Neil 's not worried about parading around with nothing on , is he ?
16 I got a machine with nothing on it .
17 Mount Patrick appeared to have the race sewn up after he collared Radiant Monarch two out , but he stopped to nothing on the run-in and Ovac Star swept past .
18 I 'm just looking at this stall thinking there 's gon na be next to nothing on it .
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