Example sentences of "[prep] prepare they " in BNC.

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1 Many people have developed their own ways of preparing them selves , such as rehearsing what they are going to do in their mind .
2 The Craigie Mains stud prospered and James Kilpatrick learned the skills of breeding horses and of preparing them to look their best in the highly competitive show ring .
3 This speech style urged on little girls is , however , a way of preparing them for their subordinate place in adult society .
4 They must be empowered to demand excellence in the courses that they attend and realise that their education is not a favour to them but a means of preparing them to be the sort of doctors that we want in the future .
5 I would like to hear from anyone who has worked with a group of parents or carers of people with learning or difficulties in preparing them for their son 's daughter 's move from the family home into a group home .
6 This frequent contact with families is given strong emphasis by the prison authorities , who see it as one of the key elements both of encouraging prisoners to participate and in preparing them for successful reintegration .
7 Whether this is because their earlier success is an indicator that they have the appropriate capabilities , or because their earlier study has been important in preparing them for entry , or some combination of these , is difficult to say definitively without further research .
8 Molloy and Carroll suggest that while Access courses equip students with whatever is necessary for the completion of a degree course they may be less successful in preparing them for the higher levels of academic performance .
9 In the event the ships do not appear to have been sent , although payment for preparing them was certainly made by the Exchequer at York to Roger Savage and Peter of Dunwich .
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