Example sentences of "[prep] behind his " in BNC.

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1 It seemed that the manager remembered it plainly , too , because as they entered the restaurant , he came from behind his desk like a bolted rabbit and , before Frau Nordern had time to speak , assured her that everything would be in order if only , his hands out wide , beseechingly , if only the gnädige Frau would give him a date .
2 Muldoon never emerged from behind his desk to greet colleagues .
3 The Colonel emerged from behind his newspaper to allow his wife a view of his expressionless face .
4 ‘ You may never come back , ’ said Sir George , more threatening than joking apparently , from behind his lance of light , turning through the door .
5 From behind his back he produced a beautiful salmon , sea-liced and weighing about 8lb .
6 Whichever I chose would be empty and I 'd wait , wide-eyed with disappointment , till with a flourish he produced a small toy or sweets from behind his back .
7 Crowd violence towards players is another area of concern after the FA ordered a replay of the Cup tie between Peterborough and Kingstonian when the visitors ' keeper was knocked out by a coin thrown from behind his goal .
8 While she spoke , she remembered Maxie 's grumble from behind his newspaper , the last time he had been home , when she had told him to do the leaves .
9 Neil Fraser , as he moved out from behind his desk .
10 He had been invincible earlier , when he had changed — the real self pushing out from behind his human mask — but now he was her meat .
11 ‘ You can draw whatever similarities you like , ’ says Mr Robbins innocently from behind his granny glasses .
12 BATTLERS : Hart ( far left ) and Bulldog show their skills and Hit Man ( above ) comes out from behind his sunglasses
13 He came forward from behind his desk and held out his hand as if this were a first meeting .
14 There was not one villager who had dared to emerge from behind his shuttered door , not since the foreigner had come to the village .
15 ‘ Who 's Sharpe ? ’ the Duke asked from behind his copy of The Times .
16 ‘ I 'm sure you take my point , ’ Hauser continued from behind his desk .
17 When responsible citizens or policemen came rushing out into the road to grab at it and avert a disaster , Uncle Titch would leap up from behind his seat and pretend they just had n't noticed him .
18 The General rose from behind his enormous mahogany desk , without visibly gaining in stature , and came out on to the veranda to see us off .
19 In his capacity as a recording artist , McLaren visited the offices of his new holding company , and was ushered in to meet the chairman of the board as he rose from behind his desk .
20 Gyggle got up from behind his desk and came round to front of it .
21 ‘ It 's all by the way , ’ said a thin man impatiently from behind his desk which was stacked with political magazines .
22 A tall , skinny man , with a soft voice that sometimes strikes the court as coming from behind his left ear .
23 Nicholson emerged from behind his desk slowly , almost reluctantly .
24 Brother Denis came out from the guesthall , Brother Paul from the schoolroom , with two of his boys peering out from behind his skirts , two novices and two grooms from the stable-yard , and half a dozen brothers from various scattered occupations , all appeared on the scene almost before the porter was out of his lodge in haste to greet Prior Robert , the sheriff and the guests .
25 Bob sat sucking toffees , and watching Dyson from behind his hand .
26 The pharmacien came out from behind his counter , sat her down , removed her sandal with the tenderness of a foot-fetishist , examined her heel , cleaned it with a piece of gauze , stood up , turned to me gravely , as if there were something which really ought to be kept from my wife , and quietly explained , ‘ That , Monsieur , is a blister . ’
27 With the other hand as he kissed her this chaste cool kiss , he reached back and shook free something from behind his neck .
28 The beefy man climbed down from behind his counter and led Joe to the back of the shop , where he unlocked a door .
29 Scott-Scobie suddenly woke up from behind his Financial Times and asked : What was that ?
30 Mr Stanforth came from behind his desk to meet his visitor in person , and settle her with ceremony into the client 's chair , though she was not a client , had no need whatever of a solicitor , and had come here in response to his telephoned request chiefly out of pure curiosity , of which she had a woman 's proper share .
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