Example sentences of "[prep] draw [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Matthieu was also responsible for drawing up a plan of the New Town ( see p. 138 ) but he died in 1352 before completing more than four chapels in the cathedral choir .
2 Depression of the plunger delivers two units of insulin obviating the need for drawing up and simplifying the procedure for when patients are out and about .
3 a facility for drawing up the next plan in the light of the
4 The district councils being usually responsible for drawing up detailed local plans in accordance with policies defined in the structure plans .
5 In arguing the Slovak case for the altar Mr Richard Marsina , a historian charged with heading the Slovak commission for drawing up claims , points to Prago-centrism — one of the grievances that led to Slovakia following its path to independent statehood .
6 Two of these scholars , Edward Foxe and Thomas Cranmer , who were both members of Anne Boleyn 's faction at court , were responsible for drawing up a document called the Collectanea satis copiosa , in which they advanced a claim of imperial sovereignty for the English monarchy .
7 However , experience demonstrated to accident investigators and to officials responsible for drawing up regulations governing flight recorders that access to the recordings of many previous flights was not a critical factor , though it was most desirable to examine the recording of the flight immediately prior to an accident flight .
8 Cleveland SSD has said it will ‘ defend strongly ’ its arrangement for drawing up contracts .
9 When establishing the Editing Commissions responsible for drawing up the Statute of 1861 , the Tsar had recognized the need to appoint men who not only could cope with the intricacies of the legislation involved but who positively favoured Emancipation , who were convinced in their hearts as well as their heads of its desirability .
10 Using any of the traditional methods of cost analysis you will need a substantial quantity of paper , a good financial calculator , a ruler for drawing up the forms and a quiet corner to get on with it .
11 These initiatives enable those who are responsible for drawing up programmes of modules to offer provision which realistically addresses the needs of inmates , whether at the start of a sentence or embarking on pre-release courses .
12 He was responsible for drawing up the first comprehensive anti-drugs strategy , unveiled in September 1989 , which involved increased spending , heavier penalties for casual users and incentives to drug-producing countries to clamp down on narcotics production .
13 The communiqué outlined five principles for drawing up and implementing the five- and 10-year plans : ( i ) " firmly follow the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics " ; ( ii ) " firmly push forward reform and opening to the outside world " ; ( iii ) " firmly implement the principle of developing the national economy in a sustained , stable and co-ordinated manner " ; ( iv ) " firmly follow the principle of self-reliance , hard struggle and building up the country through thrift and diligence " ; and ( v ) " firmly implement the principle of promoting both material civilization and socialist culture and ethics " .
14 On May 18 the ANC announced that it would not participate in further constitutional discussions with the government , " or in any all-party congress to discuss the mechanisms for drawing up a new democratic constitution " .
15 Established by Congress on Aug. 2 , it was given responsibility for drawing up a plan within 150 days for the " pacification " of the country .
16 The enlightened bureaucrats who were primarily responsible for drawing up the legislation of 1861 may not have achieved everything for which they were striving , but they were undoubtedly trying to achieve more than the modernization of the gentry 's sources of income or the revivification of the state machine .
17 But do n't add oil to baths if you have spots : try adding powdered seaweed to the water as it 's good for drawing out impurities .
18 The main problem about drawing up a will is that it means accepting the inevitability of death .
19 There is a methodological issue worth drawing out here , for this business of replicating — or failing to replicate — someone else 's research findings is of course what ‘ the scientific method ’ is supposed to be about , at least according to the standard philosophy-of-science text-books .
20 It is not a question , he wrote , of drawing up an inventory of all that is required , because that suggests that one can know exactly what will be required .
21 Sir Adrian seems unhappy with the idea of drawing up a vast catalogue of top management attributes and is more inclined to the view that being a good senior executive is something gleaned from hard experience .
22 The cost of drawing up plans will depend on where you go , but this is one occasion where you can afford to choose the cheapest .
23 In something of an afterthought the Irish News of 15 August 1966 recorded that ‘ a discussion took place on the desirability of holding a convention on civil rights for the purpose of drawing up a civil rights chart ’ .
24 Who knows how many quarrels , false accusations , unnecessary dismissals , how many promising careers cut short can be attributed to a butler 's slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan ?
25 The job of drawing up the artwork is made considerably easier by using a light-box , especially when dealing with more complex designs involving integrated circuits .
26 ‘ We are in the process of drawing up the seedings and groupings of the various qualifying rounds , ’ said tournament director Brian Skirrow .
27 Guinness Mahon , in conjunction with solicitors Jacques and Lewis , had the responsibility of drawing up the document , a complicated matter strewn with legal pitfalls .
28 A major temptation is that of drawing up — either explicitly or implicitly — a balance sheet of war .
29 It seems likely , therefore , that in the process of drawing up the Feoda , as clerks and local lords decided under which heading most fief-holders should appear , they helped to crystallize the castellanies .
30 Preparations also include two consultations for church leaders and communicators and for technicians which will take place in 1993 with the aim of drawing up clear guidelines for the agency .
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