Example sentences of "[prep] your brother " in BNC.

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1 It would appear , Sir Richard , that you lusted after your brother 's wife as well as his riches ; that while he was alive you committed adultery with her and , with each other , you plotted together to carry out his murder and lay the blame on Brampton . ’
2 ‘ I 'm not after your brother 's money .
3 you hold my hand Richard , my goodness you 're like grease lighting are n't you , a pair of slippery eels , your poor mum 's trying to run after your brother in high heels are you staying at my house tonight James ?
4 ‘ No danger of your brother ever getting up too early , ’ she said and went to call Michael .
5 The voice of your brother 's blood is crying to me from the ground .
6 the Countryside Celebration disc is at present available exclusively to Machine Knitting Monthly readers and can be ordered direct from Iris Bishop , including postage and please give the number of your Brother machine when ordering .
7 ‘ Oh , Cissie , ’ she murmured , ‘ are n't you just so proud of your brother ? ’
8 ‘ Just to satisfy the curiosity of your brother 's mistress ?
9 ‘ Because they should persuade the police of your brother 's innocence .
10 And from the forensics , I believe Egan wrote it himself , perhaps to remember the address , and the paper somehow came into the hands of your brother so he knew where Egan was .
11 ‘ You ca n't have seen much of your brother , ’ she commented , merely by way of conversation .
12 ‘ I was fond of your father and I was fond of your brother , but I ca n't say I was ever the least bit fond of you . ’
13 ‘ All I 'm demanding is that you be the guarantor of your brother 's good behaviour .
14 ‘ Some of your brother 's handiwork . ’
15 She said in a quiet whisper so that Marc would n't overhear , ‘ I ca n't stand much more of your brother , Peter .
16 By the way , ’ he added , turning to Ross , ‘ do n't you worry your head about the financial position of your brother and his wife .
17 Either that , or he 'll see you moved somewhere else out of your brother 's room . ’
18 All you wanted was to look like your brother . ’
19 What I thought was : ‘ You are very like your brother in this one respect , my friend .
20 And because you are so much older , you would n't see yourself as competing for the same resources , and you would probably have matured in ways emotionally , that would make you accept and identify with the parental values , rather than , than feel sad or , or resentful , because you felt you were more like your brother , as it were , and you were being discriminated against .
21 ‘ You 're a villain , like your brother , ’ continues Kellard evenly .
22 ‘ You could sleep in the spare room like your brother did . ’
23 Like your brother , you mean ?
24 ‘ You know , you 're very like your brother . ’
25 I hope you 're not like your brother in other respects . ’
26 He said , ‘ At least in that respect you 're not like your brother .
27 I think you better get a move on , it sounds like your brother 's coming .
28 That 's like your brother , he 's doing Spanish is n't he ?
29 They may well feel the case against your brother is substantially weakened by what 's come to light .
30 Do you ever envisage working with your brother David again ?
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