Example sentences of "[prep] if to show " in BNC.

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1 People in Donegal listened earnestly to the priest , craning forward as if to show him that they were there , but did not seem to be taking in the words .
2 He recalled other ways in which she had led him on ; the snowy mittened fingers laid on his arm during their walks , the occasional side-glance as if to show that he did not displease her , her endurance , to say the least , of his company .
3 as if to show that bygones were bygones , he produced a bottle of Sandeman 's sherry from a cupboard and , though it was three in the afternoon , poured out glasses for all .
4 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
5 The wife obligingly lifted her arm and for the first time there was a flash of something pale , as if to show that there really was flesh and blood beneath the shapeless black garment .
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