Example sentences of "[prep] many species " in BNC.

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1 Bearing in mind that it takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to flowering , it is possible to grow bulbs of many species and varieties to flower at the same time for a spectacular display , and also plant for a succession of flowers if potting up is carefully timed .
2 On the upper surface of the tongue of many species are small perforations , whose purpose is to stimulate the mucous glands at the base of the tongue as soon as the fish is taken into the mouth .
3 In the days of classical agriculture , breeders and stud farmers tricked and cajoled the best features out of many species , focusing on the most economically viable lines for cattle , sheep , pigs and poultry .
4 The combination of climatic factors results in late flowering of many species in relation to their counterparts elsewhere .
5 Asaphid trilobites of many species are common in rocks of Ordovician age .
6 Many also include other pursuits such as canoeing or caving , environmental education for the family , archaeological exploration , or insights into the hidden lives of many species — badgers , long-eared bats , marsh harriers and natterjack toads .
7 Thus the lack of fundamental ecological knowledge has played a significant role in the shaping of these forests and lack of foresight has led to the demise , by deliberate poisoning and girdling , of many species which are now considered to be commercially viable .
8 Perhaps , unfortunately , a fairly high proportion of the counts were made just after the 1962/63 winter when populations of many species were very low .
9 It has been found in the air sinuses of many species of whale at strandings around the world .
10 Some of his most important early contributions were his detailed descriptions and illustrations of the development of many species of Laboulbeniales .
11 Elsewhere there is renewed enthusiasm for rearing Trichogramma , a small wasp which parasitises the eggs of many species , such as Heliothis , the cotton bollworm .
12 The low value which we place on animal life results directly in countless millions of animals , of many species , wild and domestic , suffering and dying at human hands every year .
13 The young of many species take cover as soon as an alarm call is given .
14 You could , if you wish , try Java Fern , which is rather too woody for the tastes of many species — but if you want a good covering you will need to let it establish for a few months — or else you can cheat and use Java Fern-covered rocks/bogwood from another tank .
15 Hexamita is in fact routinely isolated from the intestinal tracts of many species of tropical and coldwater fish including trout and goldfish .
16 The males of many species mate with several females , but females that mate with several males are rare .
17 For example , the behaviour of many species is assumed by ethologists to be dependent on motion-perception and object-concepts of some sort .
18 This is why , after a night of south-easterly winds and rain in spring or in autumn , you can find the islands littered with small birds of many species , all desperately trying to find some food which can replenish the energy reserves sufficiently to enable them to continue on their way as soon as weather allows .
19 The desert tortoise is one of many species in the protected area .
20 By the later decades of the century it was becoming obvious that the numbers of many species were being rapidly diminished , and it was now regarded as ‘ unsporting ’ to amass the vast collections of trophies favoured by earlier hunters .
21 Overwintering strategies of many species are unknown .
22 As was first noticed by Peter Marler , the alarm calls of many species sound similar ( Figure 6.3 ) .
23 Now , in the courtship of many species of ducks ( see Figure 1.8 , p. 16 ) , the male points his bill towards his back feathers in what looks like a stylized modification of preening .
24 Like many species of wrasse , the ocellated wrasse is quite bold if approached with care .
25 For many freshwater hobbyists , invertebrates are a whole new departure ; we know little about many species , but one with a longer history of captive care is the Apple Snail .
26 These provided an important winter food source for many species , mainly seed eaters .
27 And although we now know the facts for many species of animals , it is important to point out that for many more we still have only the crudest knowledge of their grouping behaviour .
28 Invertebrates fare very badly , even at the very lowest levels for many species .
29 The drainage dykes are the breeding area for many species of dragonfly and they also contain a wide variety of wild plants .
30 Colour of species is not dealt with partly because the information is not available for many species and also because the range of variation has not been studied .
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