Example sentences of "[prep] be available " in BNC.

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1 For Income Support the claimant will not be required to be available for employment during that eight-week period .
2 What protection will there be for potentially unprofitable , yet necessary services to continue to be available under the NHS ?
3 In its response to the Griffiths review of community care , Age Concern commented on the continued need for long-stay facilities to be available for some elderly people .
4 Voltaire 's work is , arguably , offensive but one should err on the side of allowing it to be available .
5 The reinstatement of the Lord Tedder Wing has enabled a total of 63 beds to be available for permanent residence , convalescence and respite care .
6 The computer programme ( Carafe — Computer Assisted Ration Accounting and Food Evaluation ) allows a wide range of management information to be available so that the efficiency and performance of staff and systems can be monitored .
7 The bold claim that all models were to be available from day one quickly fell flat .
8 Darby was convicted , along with his assistant Leslie Thomas , 26 , also of the Isle of Dogs , at an earlier hearing on two counts of conspiracy to manage premises where drugs were known to be available .
9 Yesterday , however , Peter Price , deputy chairman of the council and a member of the board , said that they would not now be likely to be available before Easter .
10 The Naval shift of emphasis to limited war capabilities was strongly supported by the General Staff , who doubted whether the degree of strategic mobility , upon which Sandys was banking to reduce overseas garrisons , would be practicable with the transport aircraft likely to be available in the foreseeable future .
11 As with junk , the offer appeared to be available even to pretty second-rate companies .
12 The industrial and commercial expansion of the nineteenth century required land to be available for development .
13 Yet for women religious , celibacy has come to be a statement in direct opposition to western cultural norms of women having to be available to men and usually defined by their relationships to them .
14 First , we can use hoards to define the time individual coin types remained in circulation , since we can tell from them how long a particular coin continued to be available for hoarders .
15 Wainwright 's books must continue to be available to all who are prepared to accept his own work , as he wrote it , and as the product of his own generation ( and preferably bearing the cherished stamp of the Westmorland Gazette ) .
16 Bureaucratic co-operations probably more likely to be available than money in the next few years !
17 The Germans had shifted their position since the writing of the Delors Report : where they had previously wanted ‘ binding rules ’ for budget deficits , they now called for ‘ sanctions ’ to be available to the Community as a means of enforcing the bank 's decisions on recalcitrant member states .
18 Many parents wanted to send their children to grammar schools , but these were ceasing to be available .
19 Lord Ackner felt that the route did not cease to be available simply because it was not possible for an unaccompanied child to walk it without danger .
20 Nevertheless , even the staunchest advocates of non-legal solutions to truancy seem to accept that legal procedures must continue to be available .
21 Co-opting a sports or stage celebrity guarantees that they , or one of their famous friends , are likely to be available to open the summer fair , attend the leaving presentations and sports day and generally add glamour to all the events that benefit from maximum publicity .
22 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
23 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
24 ‘ If there is to be talk of a pool of ability , it must be a pool which surpasses the widow 's cruse in the Old Testament , in that when more is taken for higher education in one generation more will tend to be available in the next . ’
25 By the beginning of 1947 the drug began to be available commercially .
26 It had become possible to demonstrate the causative organism of syphilis , Treponema pallidum , under the microscope ; there was soon to be available a blood test , the Wasserman Reaction ( WR ) , which enabled syphilis to be diagnosed in the absence of any signs of the disease ; and finally , a new syphilitic treatment , Salvarsan , an arsenic compound , had become available .
27 If your husband is n't going to be available until mornin' I think I 'd just as soon get some kip .
28 I affirm it to have been a fine active stock of books which ought to be available in any good library service …
29 Unfortunately when the gas began to be available to Southern Italy there was not sufficient consumer infrastructure and so Enel , the Italian electricity utility , was asked to use the surplus for electricity generation until the necessary distribution network is established .
30 Just a willingness to be available for a few hours to suit you — within an agreed rota — to walk around the reserve helping people enjoy their visit and also avoiding problems of pressure on sensitive reserve areas . ’
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