Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] kind " in BNC.

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1 And notwithstanding the invariable belief of these coaches that their own programme-of-the-moment is writ large on a tablet just descended from Heaven , there are no absolutes about which kind of exercises are best to get you fit over a short period of time .
2 Installation of the software which is supplied on just one disk , does n't take long , but it does ask you questions about the configuration of your system such as which kind of computer is being used , the name of the graphics adapter and the resolution .
3 If you or any member of your family suffer death , bodily injury or illness arising from negligence of our suppliers ( other than air and sea carriers performing any domestic , internal or international carriage of whatsoever kind for whom we accept no liability ) , their sub=contractors , servants and/or agents , we will accept responsibility provided that they were acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment when the accident occurred .
4 However , we accept no liability for the acts or omissions of any air or sea carrier performing any domestic , internal or international carriage of whatsoever kind .
5 All accounts , books , ledger , financial and other records of whatsoever kind of the Vendor relating to the Business are in the possession of the Vendor and give and reflect a true and fair view of all transactions entered into and of the financial and contractual position of the Business and of its assets and liabilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards and statutory requirements .
6 Yet historical interpretation of literature fairly easily loses sight of literary interests ; if it goes far enough , the interpreter may assume that the idea of poetry or drama as art can be abandoned , since what counts are cultural traces , of whatever kind , and the ideological impressions they appear to bear .
7 The idea of our homes being smashed by drugs , by prostitution , by evil of whatever kind , would most surely be unacceptable to us .
8 There is something common to all our experiences of art , of whatever kind — music , poetry , painting … , each art concretely utterly different from the others .
9 It is that any work of art , of whatever kind or genre , must be experienced ‘ aesthetically ’ .
10 Then he went back to his mother , taking the Kings with him , and there he divided the whole spoil with the hidalgos and his other companions , both the Moorish captives and all the spoil of whatever kind , so that they departed right joyfully , being well pleased with what he had done .
11 With the passage of time thereafter , the role of the audited accounts becomes progressively less important and other more up to date information , including up to date references and up to date experience of transactions and accounts , of whatever kind , covering later periods , become progressively more important . ’
12 It gives certain answers to ultimate questions that modern philosophy or modern thought of whatever kind can not provide … to the degree that organised religion has decayed and the attachment to the Judeo-Christian tradition has become weaker , to that degree capitalism has become uglier and less justifiable .
13 To understand the world , then , and understand it well enough to contrive to live in it , there is no one way : not fact , not theory , not particularity , not abstraction ; and explanations of whatever kind are not universal answers , merely part of a progressive and accumulative act of learning and knowing .
14 This is not to deny that it is possible for the market ( of whatever kind ) to impose some form of restraint on corporate managers .
15 Nevertheless , except in one regard , the Industrial and Provident Societies Act of 1852 provided the basis on which co-operative societies of whatever kind could establish themselves as corporate entities .
16 When Nizan berates orthodox French Stalinists for their inability to differentiate between loyalty and blind adherence to bureaucracy , 20 he not only specifically highlights his deep commitment to Republican France , but more generally he signals in no uncertain terms that his continued membership of the communist party depended on the continuing ability of the party itself to demonstrate its genuine commitment to the moral struggle against oppression of whatever kind .
17 A further reason that may be advanced for insisting that police interference of whatever kind must be legally justified is that it is an understandable human reaction to respond with some indignation to an allegation or suspicion believed by its object to be unjustified .
18 That rules deduction rules of whatever kind er derivation rules or rules er applied to sentences in logic on the basis of the structure brackets what kind of connectives you have and so on .
19 Neurotic anxiety is probably progressively giving way to social discontent , and as the centre of the conflict moves away from the ego into the society as a whole individual psychotherapy of whatever kind probably becomes increasingly difficult .
20 Most writers of whatever kind know what it is to write and to discover in the process that someone else seems to be standing by .
21 The above clause could therefore be redrafted as The Customer shall provide such temporary roadways , footways , scaffolding and such other equipment , of whatever kind , as may be necessary for the safe installation of the goods or The Customer shall provide all the equipment , of whatever kind , which may be necessary for the safe installation of the goods .
22 The above clause could therefore be redrafted as The Customer shall provide such temporary roadways , footways , scaffolding and such other equipment , of whatever kind , as may be necessary for the safe installation of the goods or The Customer shall provide all the equipment , of whatever kind , which may be necessary for the safe installation of the goods .
23 This depended on its being one which , by s15(2) ( c ) , ‘ relates to services of whatever kind ’ .
24 Iraq is a grim model of what kind of thing the next secretary-general should expect to have thrown at him .
25 The testator has made various bequests ( of what kind we are not told ) in favour of Pamphilus .
26 The question of what kind of inroad AIDS is making in Britain became more insistent as the programme , written and produced by Alec Nishett , progressed .
27 There is , for instance , the problem of what kind of heart would be needed to propel a large body , and the question would arise as to whether , in the case of very tall animals , a higher blood pressure would be required , with commensurately tougher blood vessels , in order to pump blood from the heart to the brain .
28 Spirit guides , regardless of what kind , are always described as extremely timid .
29 Before we move on , it is worth noticing that just as the debate about the Bible rested to a large extent on a rather dubious notion of what kind of authority was in question , so too the argument about miracles was one in which both sides generally shared an equally questionable concept .
30 Though he often poses specific questions when exploring individual case studies , he nevertheless adopts a fairly wide-ranging conception of ‘ effects ’ since his orientation is towards such broad questions as ‘ effect of what kind upon whom or what ? ’ and ‘ How far and in what ways are the political relationships and individuals affected by the communication between them ? ’ .
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