Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] to take " in BNC.

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1 It was a tremendous relief for them to take a stand in the way they had done .
2 And a Liverpool painter 's son , who after his father died ‘ was brought up with me grandmother ’ , calling her ‘ mother ’ , chose not to return to his real mother when she remarried and could offer him a home again : ‘ They 'd brought me up , and it would n't be fair for them to take me after from rearing me . ’
3 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
4 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
5 On the other hand , parents who show no sign of caring where their youngsters are , or what they are doing , not only leave them free to get into all kinds of trouble but make it harder for them to take responsibility by depriving them too soon of parental care .
6 And this was their undoing because the surfaces of the branches had earlier been covered with lime to make it impossible for them to take flight again — ever again .
7 Grandmothers were an integral part of life and so , when the mass emigrations began , it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of the families left behind .
8 Peasants , sons could become lay brothers in Cistercian houses , but it was probably not common for them to take the habit as choir monks .
9 Because they are experts and you are not it is easy for them to take the initiative .
10 When people do cross the threshold of the church , do we make it easy for them to take that step ?
11 The Socialists had captured a large number of the Councils and Boards of Guardians throughout the country , and there was only one thing left for them to take charge of — the British Empire .
12 The work of health visitors — traditionally and profitably with mothers and children — threatens to be ‘ undermined ’ by increasing requests from general practitioners for them to take part in the home care of the very old ( ibid. : 131 ) .
13 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
14 Do you want more tapes for them to take away ?
15 If either Council receive anything additional , it will be a matter for them to take them into account along with my report .
16 I will simply arrange for that to be sent to the Councils for them to take into account alongside , but not part of , my report .
17 To do this it will frequently be necessary for them to take risks .
18 I 'll send up the chaps from the mortuary van if you 're ready for them to take him away . "
19 Although the story of Croton 's lost Helen admitted that no single girl of the southern peninsula in those days was entirely beautiful enough , it was still recalled by the attending spectators at the Sunday promenade , by the old men and women no longer in the marriage stakes , by the servants whom custom forbade from parading — as if the cost of new or spruced-up clothes did not make it impossible for them to take part anyway .
20 Alexandra wondered if there was a feature in it : successful younger women , the varied careers it was possible for them to take up these days , the chances they had to rise to the top in their chosen professions , whether or not those professions were less orthodox than the ones chosen by their male counterparts .
21 That would be more than enough for them to take an interest . ’
22 But although the younger sons could not have Nambudiri wives it was quite normal and respectable for them to take women of the matrilineal castes ( e.g. Nayar ) as recognized consorts .
23 That Throgmorton had died by poison was hard enough for them to take in , when all had assumed sudden acute stomach illness .
24 It was quite possible for them to take their deferences and privileges and give rather little in return .
25 But the task of clearing hundreds of tips was too much for them to take on at the last minute .
26 We are considering many other aspects in order to improve the position of women in the civil service — to make it easier for them to take jobs , leave to have children , and return later .
27 I was particularly thrilled with the guys who scored the points for us on the final day , Mark James , Jose-Maria Olazabal , Jose-Maria Canizares , Ronan Rafferty and Christy O'Connor Jnr. , because in the case of Canizares , Ronan and Christy they had n't scored a point in the games they played and it was nice for them to take some of the glory .
28 It may be that , for them , the attraction of SSE in general and of this scheme in particular lies in the opportunity it appears to offer for them to take part in decisions about school policy .
29 If they wished to prevent Labour forming a government , they would have to come to an arrangement with Baldwin , rather than any other Conservative ; and since the Liberals had only just fought an election opposing Baldwin 's policy of Protection , this would be a difficult course for them to take .
30 So , using the public address you send , to that zone only , a warning for them to take care .
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