Example sentences of "[prep] [art] ground " in BNC.

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1 Her paws kept reaching for the ground , but it was not there .
2 These attacks have inflicted widespread and in some cases irreparable damage in preparation for the ground offensive .
3 Under an Appeal Court ruling , Chelsea have until tonight to meet Cabra 's asking price of £22.85 million for the ground or face possible winding-up procedings .
4 If the deal is accepted , Fulham will share Stamford Bridge with Chelsea , paying in excess of £13 million for the ground while the £5 million Cabra owe Fulham will be waived .
5 After the war , Bomber Harris tried to get an issue of a campaign medal for the ground crews on operational airfields , as he maintained they were completely ignored when the medals were handed out .
6 The first priority would be for the ground crews to make the bombs safe , then put out the fires and get the injured off , and everything done at top speed in case the whole lot went up .
7 The important thing is to steady yourself as much as possible and reach for the ground with one hand .
8 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
9 At first I spent so long feeling for the ground the engines had run down to idle , and there was a long delay before they wound back up again to produce noticeable acceleration .
10 So I flipped around and made for the ground , I 'd completely lost my bearings , I did n't recognize it , did n't even know which panel it was .
11 Poplar panels , gypsum for the ground and rabbit skin glue would all have been available to Joni .
12 If you can find a stake that long at the garden centre , it will probably be painted green , with perhaps a black painted end for the ground — do n't be deceived .
13 For the ground about him , with its padding of last year 's thick leaf-fall sodden and trodden into soft pulp , showed no disturbance , but lay moist , dark and flat , unmarked by any convulsions of his feet or arms , or any trampling of an assailant round him .
14 It has a white painted top-half with black lines where beams should be , red brick cladding for the ground floor , and a thick wooden door studded with medieval wheel-nuts .
15 The malai jumped a mile-you could see he 'd nearly had a heart-attack — before heading for the ground , shouting our number and whereabouts to his friends .
16 The mountainous terrain could make it slow going for the ground rescue teams .
17 The High Court yesterday ordered the club to pay landlords SB Property Company the full £22.85m purchase price for the ground .
18 No I 'm sure it 's good for the ground
19 And erm , soot 's good for the ground .
20 For the ground crews there is barely time to think as they bomb up the tornados for yet another sortie .
21 Unless you do it every day at your particular gliding site , you are certain to misjudge such a landing , besides having the hazards of the higher touchdown speeds and loss of control during the ground run to contend with .
22 No man at his age ever had a straighter back , that we were sure of , straight and strong , it was as the ground ash stick he always carried .
23 The fourth day became one of intense frustration for England as the ground staff , with little of the equipment of their English counterparts , did not fall over themselves to get play started .
24 Willie 's eyes stung as the ground moved in a gentle haze beneath him .
25 [ This observation is in accord with the classic theological understanding of creation , which sees God as the ground and support of all that is ( in our terms , the guarantor of the Schrödinger equation ) but not as an object among objects ( no collapser of wavepackets ) . ]
26 He gave as the ground for his refusal Matadial 's acceptance that her statement to the police was incorrect , but Mr. Pantry did not oppose the application and their Lordships consider that the judge would have done better to read the statement before giving his ruling .
27 Moreover , the current rules or guidelines focus on the impact on competition as the ground for referral by the Secretary of State .
28 She saw the same high empty space between the ground and the broken glass roof , she recognized the air which smelled of soot and coal-smoke and was thick as grey soup , and the mottled pigeon-droppings and the grey suits of men , the black hats .
29 In practice , if not in spirit , there is a complete divorce between the ground floor , full of people who have walked in off the street , and the upper floors , where research and development on both hardware and software for the Third World take place .
30 Below a height roughly equal to the diameter of the rotor , the model will be very lively and difficult to keep stationary due to interference between the ground and the downwash from the rotors .
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